Brothers and Male!Reader

740 24 3

Requested by SleepySeth.

(For those curious about the song Karamatsu is singing, it is linked at the end of the story.)

"Let's see..." I hummed to myself as I went through the checklist of things that I wanted to complete for the day, most of the items already marked off, "'Gather mail from the inbox' and 'discover a new part of town', huh? Well, the mail thing won't happen until it's been delivered later on, so I guess I'll head out."

Folding the list back up and slipping it into my back jeans pocket, I shrugged on my favorite outerwear and locked the apartment door behind me as I left. Taking in a deep breath before picking a random direction, I put my hands into my pockets as I walked into unfamiliar territory within Tokyo.

I had been living here for a few years, but never really strayed out of the areas around my home and work, fearing that I'd get lost and wind up in some nasty neighborhood.

Shaking my head with a frown, I dismissed the idea from my mind.

" what I like the best..."

A voice caught my attention, the sound of someone singing softly coming from my left. I looked over to see a side street that I may not have noticed without the singing, my curiosity peaking as I took the new route.

"I can't hold it, I can't reach it / I can't hold it, that heart of yours."

A strong guitar strummed before the voice picked up a little in volume, the passion clearly heard as the singer continued.

"'It's just my own thinking' / I want to cry when I feel this way / Our feelings can't become the same," Some vocalizations followed before the guitar sounded some stronger chords, my attention pulled up to the roof of someone's house as the side street ended just next to it.

Curiosity pushed me forward to find a man about my age sitting on the edge of the sloped roof, a guitar held gently in his hands as he played the chords out for an audience he didn't pay attention to. The dark sunglasses blocked his eyes from me, but he didn't shirk away when I stood still in front of his house, the leather jacket cracking a little as his left arm moved up and down the neck of the guitar, the notes growing softer as he opened his mouth.

"Are you ready? I still want to look / Are you ready? At that heart," A few extra strums picked up the pace as he dove back into the chorus of the song, "I can't tell you how I feel / The more I want, the more it hurts / Even so, I could never hate you / 'It's just my own thinking' / I want to cry when I feel this way / I want to know how you feel."

The guitar picked up volume as I felt the passion radiate off of the man, taking in the emotions that he was clearly feeling while singing the song.

"I can't tell how you feel / Even so, I could never hate you...summer draws near..."

With the last few words, the guitar completely faded out as his right hand pulled away from the strings.

A sharp clap pierced the silence that followed, shocking myself and the man at the same time. My hands stung as they continued clapping, finding myself at a loss for words at his performance.

The man, however, cried out in shock as he fell from the roof onto the street below.

"Ah, shit! You good, man?" I rushed over when my mind made the connection that I had sent him tumbling to the ground. The man grunted on his back as he held the guitar aloft, keeping it from hitting the ground underneath him.

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