Chapter 1 : Winks and mischievous smiles

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" No one believes in love at first sight until that special someone comes and steals your heart."


My heart thumped wildy in my chest as the motorbike slowed down, the cerulean eyes never straying away from mine

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My heart thumped wildy in my chest as the motorbike slowed down, the cerulean eyes never straying away from mine. I was definitely going to faint from the lack of oxygen as my eyes greedily drank in his mesmerizing features. Slightly long,thick raven hair, caramel skin, a sharp jawline and full lips.

Yeah, I was definitely going to faint!

His eyes slowly glanced down at the black disposable bag in my hand and the school building behind me. I saw amusement flash in his eyes and his lips twitched into a small, mischievous smile.

I was still gaping at him like a fish out of water when he did something outrageous.

He had the freaking audacity to W.I.N.K

And then he sped away leaving me behind with my jaw slacked and my face as red as a baboon's butt. I tried to ignore the whole damn zoo in my stomach and stood rooted on the spot for what felt like hours when finally Mel stopped the car in front of me and smiled sheepishly at me.

I got in wordlessly and stared at her. " Okay so maybe I forgot about the fuel again and kind of almost got us caught an- wait why is your face soo red?! " she rambled

"Nothing, just got sunburnt you know? Because I was standing on the same spot for hours." I said sarcastically

"But it's night time so how did you get a sunburn ?" she asked confused and was about to say something but immediately stopped when she saw my murderous glare.

I felt like banging my head on the window, I mean out of 7 billion people on this planet why did my bestfriend have to be this pouting nutcase?!

"Because you love me and can't live without me." She answered my thoughts cheekily. "Unfortunately...." I grumbled.

We drove home and bade Mel goodnight as she jogged to her house which was right across mine.

Now comes the hard part, I thought to myself as I opened the door to my house and sneaked in. The house was eerily quiet which felt like the silence before a disastrous storm.

I tiptoed through the hallway and almost made it to my room when the sound of a throat being cleared was heard.

I froze.

"Why hello there, my little spawn of the Devil..." a very familiar voice whispered quietly.


Hey guys that's the end of the first chapter... hope you guys liked it .☺☺

So question what's your favourite wattpad character?
Mine is Dalaric and Mayella

Have a great day guys!!!!

Xxxxx Aelin Ash

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