Chapter 24

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Raising a brow at the clingy man next to me I said,"So I'm your girlfriend huh?"

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Raising a brow at the clingy man next to me I said,"So I'm your girlfriend huh?"

"Any doubts baby?" He whispered into my ear, his voice husky and low.

Damn. That did things to me.

Gulping, I shook me head making him let out a low, sexy chuckle and my breath faltered as he moved even closer to me, his nose lightly grazing my neck. God have mercy.

"Tell me baby, does anyone make you feel like this? Hmm?" He said and lightly bit down on my ear lobe and I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water.

When I didn't reply he started leaving butterfly kisses on my neck and jaw, I bit my lips to stop the sound from escaping as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, his arms wound tightly around me.

"Umm... excuse me, ma'am. Your order is ready." A very embarrassed voice broke both me and Az out of our sexy world.

Oh. My. God.

I just did some hanky panky stuff inside a cafe. With everyone watching. I need to go to the church and pray to Jesus to forgive my sins. And some holy water would be nice too.

Clearing my throat and trying to avoid thinking of the second hand embarrassment, I rushed to the counter leaving behind a pouty man who made grabby hands at me. Smiling forcefully at the boy at the counter I asked, "How much is it?"


His lips on my skin. Stop.

"Would be-"

The shiver that passed through my spine when he grazed his nose on my neck. Focus Willow.

"Thirty dollars-"

His teeth nibbling my earlobe. Please stop.

"Here." And suddenly everything became clear again as I felt warmth behind me, warmth that I was quiet familiar with.

He wrapped a hand around my waist and lightly kissed my hair and when I turned around to protest I was met with a smug Azrael with a big smirk as if he knew exactly where my mind had drifted to.

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