Chapter 18 : Shirtless Guys and Soulmates

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I remember the first time I got on a rollercoaster, the excitement and the adrenaline I felt but I also remember the fear and nervousness

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I remember the first time I got on a rollercoaster, the excitement and the adrenaline I felt but I also remember the fear and nervousness. The feeling of my heart beating rapidly, my blood rushing through my veins. At that moment I felt alive as if I was not just existing but truly living.

That's exactly how I felt wheneved I was with Azrael now.

It has been more than a month since Mel told me to confess to him but I just couldn't, each time I opened my mouth to say those words to him, I felt a fear bubbling at the bottom of my stomach. Fear that we wouldn't be the same, that he would reject me.

Azrael, a boy so beautiful inside and out, deserved more than me. I knew that myself but I was far too selfish to let him go. And each action of his made me like him more and more, it was simple things like the chocolates he would always have whenever I'm with him or my favourite cake and coffee. The extra scarfs and beanies in the backseat of his car and the extra helmet whenever he would take his motorbike.

Or maybe it was the way he smiled so brightly at me whenever he saw me, the way his eyes never seemed to stray away from me as if waiting to catch me if I were to ever trip and fall. But he did not know that I was already falling. Falling for him.

I was snapped out my thoughts when strong tan arms wrapped around me tightly, smushing my face into a hard chest. Blue eyes gazed down at me with so much adoration that it almost took my breath away.

Shaking out of my stupid thoughts, I grinned up at him, "Good to see you too Angel. Now would you please stop crushing me?"

"No!" He snapped, tightening his hold on me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Awww, did you miss me that much, Azzie?"

"I didn't see you for a whole twenty four hours" he mumbled.

"A day, you're saying like we've been apart for twenty for years." I laughed.

"It felt like an eternity to me though." He said quietly, peering at me through his long lashes.

Do not blush. I repeat. Do not blush. Please.

It was true, It did feel like an eternity. He was quiet busy at the hospital and sometimes he didn't have time to even eat much less visit me. At this point I honestly felt like I was too dependent on him and it was weird not to see him a day because I was so used to it. I did not to say that to him though.

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