Chapter 4: Smooth as Extra Chunky Peanut Butter

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"But there's just something about him that made me like him ever since the day I met him. There was something about him that made me go absolutely crazy."


"Who...what?....I-he?" I stammered like a fool. God, even a stupid photo of him gives me the damn butterflies.

I felt the tips of my ears and nose go red. I cleared my throat loudly and tried to hide my blush.

" Who is this ?" I asked pretending to be curious.

"This is my brother's friend, Azrael Lewis. He studies here in Medicine, both of them are seniors." Rachel supplied enthusiastically.

"Where is he from?" I asked pretending to be nonchalant.

"New York. We're all from there."

Oh wow, I couldn't believe my luck. He was from the same city I've lived for nineteen freaking years and I've only met him now?!

But wait how did I see him that night if he was here?

"Where is this wedding?" I drawled carelessly.

"New York itself. They've gone four days ago, they'll be back next week."

"Wait you seem very curious about you perhaps have a crush on him?" Ellie trailed off with a smirk.

" That's for me to know and you to find out." I said with a wink.

" Oh, I know him too. My sister used to tutor his brother in high school . He has come to our house a couple of times to drop him off but I've never talked to him but let me tell you those brothers have some crazy good looking genes. Seriously they're like Herondales or something." Tammy finished with a dreamy sigh.

"Have you ever talked to this Azron?" Ellie asked.

"I've tried to but he's just so silent and I've only ever heard him talk normally to my sister."

"What does he do now?" Ellie asked.

I raised a brow.

Someone seems curious.

" He goes to NYU with my sister now. I heard he's majoring in Business."

I took a deep breath.

It's now or never Wil.

"Can I have his number?" I asked confidently.

" I don't have his personal number but I can get you their landline number."

"Thanks Tam."

I found you, Mr. Mysterious.


"Are you sure about this?" Ellie asked worriedly as I stared at my phone.

We were already assigned our dorms and coincidentally my dormates were Mel and Ellie.

"What's there to be sure about? nothing in life is sure." Mel replied. They started bickering back and forth and I took that oppurtunity to slip out without them noticing and walked to the balcony.

Should I do this?

What if I embarrass myself?

What i-

Just stop already, it's obvious you like the guy, besides you know what they say, bad mistakes makes great stories.

I took a deep breath and dialled his number before I chickened out.

"Hello?" a deep voice answered and I immediately knew who it was.

"Hello, can I speak to Azrael?" I asked innocently.

There was silence on the other end for a minute or two and then,

" He went out actually, I'm his brother Azron."


So he was playing hard to get, huh.

I grinned evilly.

" Hi Azron, I'm Willow Brooks, his friend. You know, the one he used to play dolls with when we were young?"

"Yeah, ummm...I , err, ofcourse I remember." He stammered.

Smooth as extra chunky peanut butter dude.

But wait what IF they both sound similar ?

What if he really is Azron?

" So where do you study now?" I asked sneakily.

"Glasgow University. I'm majoring in Medicine. " he said a little too quickly.

So he is Azrael.

He is a bit dense though.

"Just give me your number, I'll make sure to give it to him."

"Yeah sure." I replied evenly, trying not to show the excitement.

I gave him my number and wished him goodnight.

"Good night Raps." He said quickly and hung up.

Raps? Why did he call me that?


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter...sorry it's a bit short.

^^^ found this quite relatable. XD

Have a great day guys!!!!!!!

Xxxx Aelin Ash

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