Chapter 3: Hogwarts and Hot Pink Heels

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"Sometimes I pretend to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being myself."

I still sat there, staring at the place his motorbike was parked

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I still sat there, staring at the place his motorbike was parked.
My mind is a mess, millions of thoughts were going through my head.

What did he mean by that look?

Why was he silently challenging me?

I'm going to go more crazy than I already am and it was all his fault.

"Wi. Wi!" Mel suddenly shouted. "Hmmm... ?" I asked still in a daze.

"Who was that gorgeous?"

"I don't know Mel." I sighed.

"Well Mr.Mysterious was definitely looking at you." She teased. I just sighed and drank my coffee sadly.

Who was he ?

"Hey aren't you excited to go to college tomorrow?" She tried to change the subject seeing my long face.

Mel and I both got into our dream college which was coincidentally the same, The University of Glasgow, Scotland.
I have decided to major in Eng Lit while she is into Dentistry.

I sighed again.

If I go to Scotland will I be able to see him?

I shook the crazy thoughts away and replied

"Of course Mel!"


"Are you sure you got everything?" Mom asked for the nth time.

"Yes Mom, I've packed everything. "

"What about the tickets?"






"Your novels?"


"Your flat butt?"

"Ye- wait MY BUTT IS NOT FLAT!" I whined.

She just sighed and hugged me tight.Our whole family have come to see us off at the Airport and as you can already tell we both are now being subjected to bone crushing hugs and tears.

"Be safe okay?"Dad said and give me a tight hug and a kiss on my head.

"Yes Dad, I love you all."

"We love you too honey." Mom mumbled.

"I never said that I loved you though." Wes had the need to point out.

"Awww but I love you soo much Wessypoo!" I cooed and attacked him with my kisses as he pushed me away weakly with a red face.

"You need to leave now honey." Mom stated. I gave them all one last hug before Mel and I entered the Airport with a heavy heart. We boarded the flight and I couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness, nervousness and excitement.


University of Glasgow looked like Hogwarts.

I was half expecting Ms. McGonagall to welcome us but was pleasantly surprised with a short , redhead who was smiling at us happily.

"Welcome students, I'm Mrs. Williams and you are requested to step aside as I call your respective names."

Not so different from Hogwarts, huh.

She then went on to seperate us based on our majors. I squeezed Mel's hand as my name was called and walked towards the other Eng Lit students. I seated myself and was about to talk to the girl sitting next to me when I was cut off.

"Ellie Samuels!" Mrs. Williams called out loudly and a girl wearing a bright yellow dress stumbled towards us.

She wore hot pink heels and big earrings that was half hidden by her extremely curly hair which just reached her ears.

"Hi I'm Ellie Samuels!" She chirped.

"Hey I'm Willow Brooks."I replied just as enthusiastically.

"Your hair is so long. It looks very pretty, oh and these are my friends Rachel and Tammy."

I introduced myself again and I felt very comfortable talking to them because we had similar interest and tastes, I immediately knew that we would be very good friends.

We were all talking when we were interrupted by the buzzing sound of someone's phone and Rachel fished out her phone from her bag.

She sighed in frustration when she saw the message. "I'm so done with him!" She whisper yelled.

"Who is it?" I asked curiously

"Oh you know just my lame excuse of a brother who likes provoking me. He studies here only, he and his friend had gone to their best friend's wedding. Now this idiot is sending me pictures of them trying out different food there to make me jealous!" She finished in one breath and shoved the phone in my face.

I took a step back and blinked.

But soon I felt my heart almost stop as I saw the photo of the two guys posing goofily. One looked excatly like Rachel with blonde hair and green eyes but it was not him I was focused on.

It was the boy who stood beside him with his tongue poked out and his blue eyes crossed.

It was him.


Hope you guys liked this chapter!!!☺☺

Have a good day guys!!!!

Xxx Aelin Ash

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