Chapter 21 : Lots of Smooches

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There are somedays when you feel as if you're forgetting something very important, something you shouldn't forget. Today was one such day for me,I racked my brain trying to find it but in vain.

Maybe I could have had more progress if someone hadn't decided it was a good idea to shove his face under my hoodie, turning my tummy into his personal pillow.

A part of me freaked out at the idea of him seeing my slightly flabby lower abdomen. He probably liked it though judging by the way he was snuggling his face into it, his breath even indicating he was asleep.

It had become our routine now. Either one of us sneaking in to sleep, I couldn't even think about sleeping without his arms around me. I know I was pathetic at this point.

But right now all I wanted to do was shove him out and go pee. Groaning I poked his arms,"Get up!"

He peeked from under my hoodie, a sleepy smirk on his face,

"No." His arms tightening around my waist, his head again on my stomach.

"I want to pee!" I whisper yelled.

"No." His voice heavy with sleep

Gently moving the hoodie from his head, I ran my fingers through his hair, lightly kissing his head a couple of time to bribe him. He purred in satisfaction and kissed my stomach before laying back. I stand by my previous theory of him being a werewolf.

"If you leave me now, I'll spend the weekend cuddling you and I can spend all my time here with you. No phones or books," I bargained.

He raised his head, staring at me blankly.

"I'll even go to the gym with you." That was definitely a lie.

He cocked a brow.

"Fine. Ten kisses." I snapped.

"Twenty five."

"Not happening mister."

He lay his head back on my stomach, his hand coming up to shove my hoodie back on his head, as if he was slamming a door.

"Fine...." I muttered defeatedly. He grinned and unwrapped his arms and I rushed to the washroom and I could hear his laughter.

You try holding in for  two hours mister and the  we'll see who's laughing.

Quietly sighing in satisfaction, I exited the washroom and suddenly strong arms were around me, pulling me back to bed and a body fell on top, making me groan.

"I missed you..." he murmured against my neck, lightly kissing it a couple of times and then again as if he couldn't control himself.

He shook his head a bit,"Focus Azrael." He muttered to himself.

One thing I've discovered about him was that he was both grumpy and clingy in the morning and needs lots of smooches. Greedy boy.

"We should get up now..." I muttered

"Or we could just stay in......"

"We can't skip, Angel boy. And you need to go to the hospital, isn't it your turn today?"

"Nope, it's not my turn today and if it was also I'm fucking sick."

It was true though, he did appear very tired and sleepy.

"Really? And what is it?" I asked amusedly.

"Willoentosis and I think I've also got Cuddlentrits. A dangerous combination, I tell you." He told me seriously, wide eyes and all.

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