Chapter 2: Flats butts and Black coffee

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" Life is all about finding people who are your kind of crazy"

- Unknown

- Unknown

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I slowly turned around and grinned sheepishly at my Dad who was standing behind me with his arms crossed and a blank expression on his face

"Hey Dad!" I said happily.

"Don't you hey Dad me ,Wil. I see you've sneaked out again and caused some mess."

I gasped dramatically with a hand on my chest. "You seriously wound me Dad, have some faith in your favourite daughter!" I exclaimed.

"You are my only daughter..." He said.

"That's not the point " I replied.

"Well sneak into your room before your mother wakes up , I really don't want to sleep on the couch today also just because she claims you've got my genes." He muttered under his breath. "

"Okay, good night Mr.whipped" I said and ran to my room before he could open his mouth.

I hurriedly locked my room and fell on the bed but even as I closed my eyes, another pair of beautiful cerulean eyes kept haunting me.


"Get up flat butt! " my Mom shouted, snapping me out of my deep slumber.

"I will have you know that my butt is the perfect size." I said lazily.

"Well I really don't care about your butt size but what I care about is you getting out of the damn house and getting some milk for me." she screeched from downstairs.

"Tell Wes to go !" I mumbled but nevertheless climbed out of my cosy bed and made me way to the bathroom.

I threw on some sweats, tied my extremely long hair which reached till the back of my knees into a messy bun which honestly looked like a bird's nest and made my way downstairs .

"Good morning " my parents greeted and I simply smiled and kissed their cheeks. "You look like a zombie." My brother,Wes oh so graciously pointed out.

I just rolled my eyes and scowled at him in reply before making my outside to buy milk and also get some coffee from the new cafe that had opened recently. I decided to call Mel and walked to her house.

"Mel!" I shouted dramatically, "Let down your long hair!"

The window opened and she poked her head out and blinked to clear away the sleep.

"Piss off ! " she shouted back. I raised an eyebrow and took out my phone and called her.

"What?!" She grumbled.

"Well good morning to you Sleeping Ugly , I was just thinking to come inside and 'accidentally' spill about our late night picnic to your Mom...." I snickered.

"NO! fine what do you want?" She rushed out.

"Hmmm, get ready we're going to get some milk and also coffee, there's this new one that opened recently and I wan to check it out."

"Fine." She snapped and hung up.

In a few minutes we were walking to the cafe and sniffed deeply when we entered. "Oh wow.." We both mumbled as the smell of fresh coffee filled the air. We made our way to the counter and ordered two hazelnut chocolate latte and went to sit by the large window.

We both continued to talk and as I gazed out for a split second, I spotted a familiar looking motorbike.

I felt my heart pounding and a sudden feeling of butterflies in my stomach as I looked around for the familiar pair of cerulean eyes.

"One black coffee." A deep voice said and I snapped my head to the side to see a raven head and as he turned, my eyes found the familiar features that had haunted me last night.

He collected his coffee and made his way out of the cafe while I sat there, not knowing what to do.

Right before he climbed onto his motorbike, he lifted his head and looked at me,

His eyes full of mischievousness and challenge.


Hey guys that's the end of chapter 2 ...☺☺

Do you all like Willow's character?

What do you think about the mysterious boy?

Have a great day guys!!!

Xxxx Aelin Ash

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