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"Okay then ms cherry" Legend said making her laugh

She was a old lady he always flirted with

"Go gimme a juice box" he told this girl

"I'm not your assistant"

"Yes you is i'm making you it right now so go get my juice"

She rolled her eyes and went to get him a juice box

"Legend ms Alizah called you in her office"

"Ian even know she was here" he mumbled

He walked to her office seeing her on her phone

"When you got here"? he asked

"Just now" she said checking her instagram

"Well what you want"?

She looked at him and he looked off

"My fault what would you like"?

"I need you to announce that the line dropping next weekend on all our social media platforms" she said making him nod

Legend been working there for a week and he been doing good

He was actually what Liza needed plus he loved telling people what to do

"Ight bet what you want me to say tho"?

"Anything just don't be ghetto Legend"

"Well duh" he mumbled sitting in her lap getting in the computer

"Okay you like that"? he asked showing her

"Yea" she nodded

"Bet" he mumbled

Once he got finished he posted it

"Umm i'm finna go home what time you get off"? he asked getting up

"Late like round 9 or sum" she said

"I got other shit to do but i'll call you when i'm on the way" she said

"Okayyyy have a good rest of the day" he said walking out the office


"Ah shit" Legend mumbled as he burnt himself with a lighter

He was tryna light a candle and failed

"This shit is hard" he mumbled

Once he got the candles lit he set them up

"Okayyyyyy" he dragged throwing rose petals around the room

"Hollon" he mumbled sniffing himself

"Ight we smell good" he cheesed

He grabbed his phone and checked the time seeing jut was 10:50

He decided on calling Alizah to check and see if she was okay


"Wassup way you at"? he said running his hand over his waves

"I'm in the car" she said glancing at him

"You on the way home"? he asked admiring her features as she looked back at the rode

"Yea why, whatchu up too now"? she asked laughing

"Man nothing just hurry up" he said

"Okayyy" she dragged hanging up

He continued setting everything up until he heard her pulling up in the drive way

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