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"Just let me talk to him" Liza smacked her lips

"You got 5 minutes" the security said

Liza walked in the room seeing Legend

"Wassup"? Legend looked at her

"You okay"? she asked

"I'm straight phats"

"Okay so i got some bad news"

"Wassup"? he asked

"The lawyer i got cant come because she got covid"

"Bro that bitch better slap a fucking mask on" he said making her laugh

"Listen it's gone be okay, i got one but he not as good as the one i had" she said

"We was going over everything and he claim he got it"

"It's ight don't even stress it frl you already doing a lot to help me and i appreciate it" he said kissing her lips

"Yea but i don't want you to go to jail" she frowned

"The most they can give me is like what? 8 months" he trailed off

"Yea that's so damn long stop tryna normalize goin to jail" she made a face

"I'm just saying. The judge white"? he asked


"Oh yea i'm goin to jail" he shook his head making her laugh

"Frl stop talking like that we gone be okay" she said smoothing out his tux she made him wear

"Your face still a li bruised up but that's just more evidence" she mumbled touching on his face making him laugh

"You.need.to.chill" he said grabbing her hands so she would stop touching his face

"You stressing it a little to much i'm gone be fine either way" he said hugging her

"Mhm great but i really wanna ask you something and i need you to be honest" she said making him frown a little


"You back in that street shit be honest"

"Nah" he shook his head

"You selling drugs"? she asked making him get quiet

"This not the place to talk about this Liza" he said

"Mhm i got my answer" she nodded

"We not even gone stress it rn but all i know is you got me fucked up" she said

jesus why her mood change so fast He thought


The hearing was over and Liza convinced the judge to give them more time since her other lawyer couldn't make it and the one they had didn't have anything together

And with the privileges and money she have she even got them to let Legend our of jail until the next hearing which was around next month

Let's say Liza knew how to play her cards well



"Why you selling drugs"?

"Can we talk about this when i get out the shower"? he made a face

She was sitting on the counter while he was washing

"No cause i just might wanna whoop yo ass and it's best to do it while your wet"

He ignored her and continued washing

"I'm deadass. Like i feel real unappreciated" she said as he turned the water off

"How"? he asked

ian stepping out until i dry off she might try and whoop me with a belt He thought as he dried off as he stood in the shower

He watched This Christmas too many times

"Because Legend you act like yeen got a really good paying job. I mean you literally work whenever you feel like it and still get paid .. big money" she said referring to the job he got at her company

Only reason Legend started selling drugs was because he hated that he worked for Liza plus the streets was all he knew well that's what he thought

He liked the job but he ain't like the fact that she's the one basically paying him

It wasn't nothing against her or the fact that she was a woman, it was the fact that she was his girlfriend

It just didn't sit right with him

"Ian mean to make you feel that way"

"Yea ight"

here she go He thought

"Ain't no here she go nigga you better find you some safe to play with" she said making him laugh

"Let's talk about this when get dressed"

"Okay" she shrugged following him to her room since that's where most of his clothes was

She sat on her bed and he looked at her funny

"What? you said wait till you get dressed" she said stale facing him

"Yea but i wanna get dressed by myself"

"Get dressed Legend nobody checking for you or that strong ass booty" she said making him bust out laughing

"Girl fuck you my ass look good" he said making her laugh

"Wait no im supposed to be mad at you" she said as she stopped laughing

"Why are you mad again"? he asked as he finished putting on his clothes

"Don't play dumb"

"Man Liza its all i know" he shrugged

"No it's not all you know, your very talented Legend you just don't see it but imma help you see it cause ian losing you i don't want to and i'm not goin to"

"I refuse to lose you to the state or the streets, that's dead it's not option period. You can be so much more than just another black man getting caught up in shit he know ain't doing him no good" she said tying his durag on while they stood in front of her mirror

"Your more than just a drug dealer. Your still young you got time to find what it is that you wanna do and imma support you either way through thick and thin but what your doin now is not a option so you might wanna get to thinking"

She finished tying his durag on for him and kissed his cheek

"Now come on cause you look sleepy and worn out" she said


thoughts ?

don't you just love liza ..

liza getting them to push the date back ?

legend home for a minute ?

him selling drugs again ?

the talk liza had with legend ?

y'all watch good girls ?

y'all watch queen of the south ?

vote, comment allat

bye fuckers❤️


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