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Liza got in the car slamming the hell out of the door making Legend look at her like she was crazy

"Don't do that" he shook his head making her ignore him and lay her head on the window

"What's your problem"? he asked grabbing her arm gently and pulling her from off the door

"I don't wanna have a c section" she frowned

They just came from her doctor appointment and they said she's more than likely gonna have to have a c section

"Why not"?

"Cause Legendddd" she frowned feeling tears run down her face

"What the hell is you crying f— Liza you gone be fine stop crying" he said grabbing her hand

"No i'm nottt" she snatched her hand away from him

He looked at her and she frowned putting her hand back in his hand

"Calm down and wipe yo face" he said rubbing the back of her hand

She did as told and laid her head back on the window

"You hungry"?

"Yes .. can we get popeyes"? she asked


She started crying again making him smack his lips

"I want popeyes bae"

"You just had it yesterday Alizah"

"Why you calling me by my name what happened to bae, baby, mama why you being mean Legend"? she asked wiping her face

"I'm not being mean liz— mama" he said

"Yes you are if you wanna break up with me just say that" she frowned

"I don't wanna break up with you" he said

"Why not"? she asked wiping her eyes making him look at her like she was crazy

"Tell me why you don't wanna break up with me"

This what he delt with her whole pregnancy

"Because i love you to much" he said making her smile


"And because  .. i'm not sayin allat" he shook his head

"No you gotta say it everytime you make me mad or sad so say it"

"I'm not breaking up with you cause i love you a lot and your the best girlfriend ever and yougotmepussywhipped" he said

"No say it slower"

"You got me pussy whipped"

"Okay i love you too know take me to popeyes" she smiled kissing his cheek

He looked at her and shook his head

"The same thing"? he asked


He nodded and drove to popeyes


"Mmcht bae how tf i do this"? Legend as trying to turn the camera on

"Why you messing with it"? she asked

"Cause we finna do the belly cast thing i seen people do it on youtube" he said making her laugh

He be looking up all typa shit about pregnancy. What to do when sum happen, shit they could do for fun etc

"Hmh" she turned it on for him

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