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                     Legend stared at the clock waiting for the 5:59 to turn into 6:00 am

As soon at it hit 6 am he heard Legacy start crying

"Why tf she do this" he mumbled

She would always cry around 6 am

"You got it"? Liza asked rubbing her eyes

"Yea go back to sleep" he said kissing her lips

She did as told and went straight to sleep

He got up and went downstairs ignoring her cries knowing all she wanted was a bottle

He grabbed both the bottles that already had the pumped milk in it

Legend made Liza do it b4 hand so she wouldn't have to wake up all the time

He walked back upstairs and in the room sitting the bottles on the dresser

"It's always you" he mumbled picking Legacy up

They wasn't even a month yet but they was was turning it in like 2 weeks

He grabbed her bottle and gave it to her making her stop crying

He looked at Ahmad who was just looking around while moving his arms and legs

"Thirsty ass" he mumbled

Ahmad was the clam and quiet baby, he only cried when he needed to be changed , wanted Liza or was hungry

He also loved to be under Liza 24/7

Legacy was already trying to talk and do stuff, she loved to smile and laugh at random things

She was a crybaby tho, if it wasn't Legend holding her she was probably gonna have a fit

You could kinda tell who had the similar personalities

Legacy was already giving off mini Legend vibes and Ahmad was already giving off mini Liza vibes

Legend took the empty bottle from her and lifted her up laying her on his shoulder so he could burp her

"Don't throw up on me" he mumbled

Once she burped a couple times he sat her in the rocker swing knowing she wasn't about to go to sleep yet

He grabbed a fusy Ahmad and huffed a little knowing how difficult Ahmad was

"You better drink this damn bottle" he mumbled

Ahmad liked Liza to breast feed him more than drinking it from a bottle

He liked to be up under his momma

Legend gave him the bottle while he pushed it out the way over and over

"Why you gotta be so difficult"? Legend asked kissing his cheek

"Hmh" he tried giving him the bottle again

Ahmad slapped the bottle out Legend hand making Legacy giggle

"How tf you even know what you looking at"? he mumbled

Ahmad started crying making Legend smack his lips

"Come onnnnn whats yo problem"? Legend frowned standing up and giving him the bottle again

He kept crying refusing to drink the bottle

"Well you must not be hungry then" Legend said putting the bottle down

"Stop crying" he mumbled laying him on his shoulder

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