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"Yeaaa i know son son yo sister stank" Legend said lifting Ahmad in the air

"Girl way you goin"? Liza asked seeing Legacy trying to hold up her head on her own

For them to only be 1 month and some change they were trying to do a lot of stuff like crawl, hold their heads up, and hold their own bottles

They both got a head full of soft curly hair that Liza and Legend both took care of


"Yes"? she picked up Legacy who was smiling all in Liza face

"Lemme take them fa the day so you can have the day to yoself"

"Uhhh you sure"?


"But Ahmad— Alizah" he cut her off smacking his lips

"Where you gone go"? she asked

"I got a whole house .. stop making excuses. Do whatever you gone do sleep whatever but i got em"

"Okay" she frowned

"Go to sleep and catch up onnat show you been watching i had bought the last two seasons of it fa you" he yawned

"Okay thank you baby" she mumbled kissing his lips

"Ain't shit, lemme get them ready we might go to my pops house before we go to mines"

He picked both them up and walked to their room to get them dressed


"Boy Legacy if youon stop allat crying" Legend smacked his lips picking her up making her stop crying and start giggling.

"It's not funny" he stale faced her

She started laughing harder and he ended up laughing

"Go to sleep like your brother all that nigga do is sleep" he said putting on some cartoons since what he was looking at had a bunch of cussing in it

"You a real smiley baby i hope that don't change" he mumbled blowing raspberries on her cheek making her laugh some more

"Yo brother need to wake up"

His phone started ringing so he picked it up already knowing who it was

"Yes baby"? he said sarcastically making her laugh

"I miss y'all"

"We miss you too wyd"?

"I just woke up i'm looking at tv"

"You ate? want me to doordash you sum"? he asked

"No i'm okay, call me later"

"Ight i love you"

"I love you too"

He hung up and looked at Ahmad who was staring at him with his face balled up

"The hell you looking at"? Legend frowned putting Legacy down

He picked up a now crying Ahmad and gave him his bottle

Ahmad turned his head the other way making Legend smack his lips

"We not finna do this today" he said trying to give him the bottle

He started crying real loud and Legend scrunched his face up

"Mhm hmm no" Legend shook his head

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