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50+ comments  idk if y'all got the notification for the last chapter but go read it

            Liza frowned a little before putting her phone down

"Where this nigga at"? she mumbled standing up

She walked out the room and went downstairs

"Wheew shit" she mumbled sitting on the steps

She got back up and walked down the rest of the stairs

"Damn he just left" she mumbled

She decided to just sit on the couch and watch tv cause she left her phone upstairs and didn't feel like going back to get it

"Ou shit" she mumbled feeling herself having contractions

Wincing a little she changed positions trying to get comfortable

"Should've stayed my ass in the room" she mumbled

She heard somebody coming down the stairs and she seen it was ms chen

"Can you please go get my phone off my bed"? she asked


She grabbed Liza phone and brung it to her

"Are you okay"? she asked

"Yea" Liza nodded calling Legend


"Bae wya"? she asked

"I went to my pops house , you okay"? he asked

"Mhmm i'm having bad contractions"

"You wanna go to the hospital"? he asked

"Yes" she mumbled

"Ight calm down" he said grabbing his keys

"You upstairs or downstairs"?


"You there by yoself"?

"Ms chen here"

"Tell her to go get yo hospital bag"

Ms Chen heard what Legend said and was already on it


"Bruh its to late to back out"? Liza asked Legend

"What you think"? he asked making her roll her eyes

She was actually almost ready to have the babies

"Get out yo head you gone be okay" he said kissing her lips

"I'm hungry"

"Well you can't eat anything" he said making her roll her eyes



"We finna have two kids .."

"Well duh you just now realizing that"? he asked making her smack her lips

"Just shut up" she said making him laugh

"We gone be fine why you worrying so much"? he asked

"Cause" she shrugged

"Stop thinking negative" he kissed her forehead

"Okay mom we're almost ready for the delivery, how ya feeling"? the lady asked

"I'm okay" Liza said

They got everything ready and together as it was time for the delivery

They had gave her a epidural so she was numbed a little

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