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couple months later cause i wanna get this book over with

"Hey GQ it's ya girl Alizah Woodssss and i'm here to see how well my boyfriend knows me, it's the GQ couples quiz"

"So i can introduce myself"? Legend asked the camera man making the people in the back laugh


"Oh okay, my name Legend"

"I think they know bae"

"Oh" he mumbled sitting back in the chair

"I just wanna let y'all know imma get every single one of these right" he said

"Okay first question .. what's the first meal i ever cooked for you"?

"Umm spaghetti" he said

He looked at her and they both bust out laughing

"It's not what y'all think" she laughed turning to the next card

"But that's correct, how many tattoos do i have"?

"Shittttt" he frowned

"Imma say like .. 5" he said

She paused and started tryna think of how many she had

"Mmcht man you can't ask me nun youon know the answer to"

"You got the one under yo tittie, the one on yo thigh, two on yo wrist, and the one on yo collar bone"

"He's right" she smacked her lips making him laugh


"Boy pipe down" she laughed looking at how excited he was

"Okay if i could only eat one thing for the rest of my life what would it be"

He looked at her and looked at the camera

"Legend" she sighed

"My dick— UH i can't say det on here"?


"Oh well my private area" he said trying not to laugh

He saw the look she was giving him and bust out laughing

"I'm just playing, probably chicken" he said

"That's correct"

They continued to do it till she got to the last questions

"If i wasn't a fashion designer what would i want to be"?

"You wanted to be an astronaut" he said making her laugh

"Yea but what else"?

"You wanted to be directer and producer" he said making her laugh


"Okayyyyy you got 38 outta 40 questions" she said

"Stop playing wimme— i'm really that nigga" he said making them laugh

"I feel so connected to you rn" he said making her bust out laughing

"Okay y'all— wait can i say it"? he cut her off

"Yea go head"

"We might be having a show coming out" he said

"How you wanna say it but say it so damn dry"? Liza smacked her lips

"We gotta say it with more hypeness come on"

"We might be having a reality tv show coming out" he said doing jazz hands

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