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Legend walked in the house seeing Liza feeding Legacy and Ahmad

"Hey baby" she said

"Wassup" he said kissing her cheek

He kissed Ahmad and Legacy cheek as well before going in the kitchen

"Wash yo hands before you look in dem damn pots Legend" she said making him laugh and go to wash his hands

"I already made you a plate it's in the microwave" she said

He looked in the microwave seeing his plate was packed up with food just how he liked

Liza cleaned up the kids before taking them upstairs to wash and get ready for bed since it was going on 8:30

She washed them before getting them ready to go to sleep

Once she was done she changed and got in the bed waiting for Legend

After he ate he took him a well needed shower before laying across the bed

"How was your day"? Liza asked rubbing his back

they so cute man -piimpdaddykiraa

"Good, i'm off this weekend tho" he mumbled getting ready to go straight to sleep

He had got him a job down at the railroad fixing the tracks and shit and it very much brung in a lot of money. He was just tired all the time

"Lay in the bed right" she said knowing he was about to go to sleep

He got up and got in the bed right before laying on her thighs with his arm wrapped around her waist

"Legend i thought you was tired"? she mumbled feeling him kiss on her inner thighs

"Who said that"? he asked sitting up before laying back on the pillows

omg She thought knowing he was finna make her ride

"C'mere" he said pulling her on top of him

He watched her silk robe rise up on her thighs as she climbed on top of him

"Youon got no clothes on"? he asked running his hand up her robe

"I do" she mumbled feeling him play with the thin lining on her underwear

She really hated the effect Legend had on her. It's like her whole body shut down

"Barley" he mumbled pulling it to the side before rubbing on her clit

"Can you go slow please"? she asked laying her head on his chest

She knew he would listen but all of it would fly out the window the next five minutes

"My eyes up here" he said making her sit up and look at him

He took his hand off her clit before pulling her closer to him connecting their lips together

Their tongues moved in sync with each other as he rubbed up her thighs before gripping her ass making her start grinding on him

They haven't had sex in a good minute so they was really both craving it rn

He started playing with her from the back making her moan lowly into the kiss making it harder for her to kiss back

Taking the robe off her body he threw it on the floor somewhere before rubbing and caressing every part of her body

She only had on thong so she was almost fully naked

Liza felt him grow harder under her as she kissed on his neck

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