Three: And Now, We Wait...

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A/N:  Yes, this is actually chapter three. I wanted to write this one first because i was really excited about doing a payday-themed chapter. Sorry if this seems a little inconsistent/stupid.

This whole chapter is a nod to payday, fight me.

*Nov 16th, 2021 @ 7:25 AM*

*Milly POV*

"Okay people, you guys are wearing earpieces and I'm gonna walk you through how to steal the file off of the security pc."

"Really Sean? This seems overboard...", I said.

"Well, deal with it. Here is the plan: You guys hide in the janitor's closet from the end of school to around 7. At this point, everyone is gone and lucky for us, the janitors union just went on strike. Then you get out and make your way to the office. Get into the back room, you'll need a keycard. To get the keycard, pry the principal's door open and search the room, it should be there. Once the security door is open, your USB into the pc and find the file. Copy it onto the USB and that's it!"

"Uhhhh... I got all of that 100% guaranteed," 

"Cool, I'll tell the others the plan, also, it's just gonna be you and Zander going in, the whole club is too risky."

"Great. I love this plan."

I heard the door open and the others poured into the room.

"So, how the heck are we going to get this security tape...", said Jake.

"I've already got a plan..."

*Nov 16th, 2021, 5:20 PM*

*Milly POV*

"Testing testing. 1. 2. 3. Can you guys hear me?", said Sean, over the earpiece.

"Yes Sean, I can hear you and... Zander?"

"I can also hear Sean, now how long do we have to wait to get this 'proof' of Jake's honesty..."

*Nov 16th, 2021, 7:29 PM*

"Okay gang, it's go time!", said Sean, his voice interlaced with static.

I whispered into the mic, "Alright, we're really close to the office already, I don't see a keycard receiver in there..."

"Makes sense, the security door is inside the medicine room. There should be a normal door in there that seems to lead to storage, but there's just another door behind it. That's the security door."

"Milly, I see someone... SHIT, HIDE!"

We dove into the nearest open classroom and waited for the receptionist to leave the office.

 "That was close... Sean, we're good now," said Zander.

"Okay, continue on gang, and don't get caught..." Sean muttered.

"WOW! Who could have possibly thought of that Mr.Broomsexual!" Zander replied.

"Ugh... Come on man, just get in there."

Zander and I kept a low profile and we ran across the main foyer. We reached the door to the office and opened it. Luckily, it was empty. We went inside the principal's office to get the keycard.

"Zander, did you find it?"

"Maybe... AHA! I found it Milly!"

"Don't brag grape head. Sean, is this keycard a tap or an insert?"

"Wha- Why would you ask that? I mean this school is cheap as hell so it's probably a tap..."

We went inside the medicine room and opened the 'storage door'. Sean turned out to be right. On the other side, there was a big metal door with a keycard sensor. I tapped the keycard and we went inside.

"Sean, what is the password?", asked Zander

"Oh crap, try 'tracy.victoriaT7463'."

"How in the hell? Uh, anyways we got in the pc, we found a folder named 'SECURISMART CAMERA DAILY TAPE, FRONT OUTSIDE'"

"Open it. Find the one from yesterday and copy it onto the USB-"

"We're done," I said

"Uh okay... Get out of there, use the side door, they aren't armed until 8."

Zander and I walked out into the brisk night. Jake was waiting there inside a car along with Sean.

"Successful heist, also we're criminals now," said Sean with an expression of pure ecstasy on his face.

"Hey Sean, did you just come up with this plan so you could play Bain?" asked Jake.

"Yes. Well then, let's leave now."


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