Twenty-Three: Arsonist Drew

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Canada has too many mall shootings.

*Daisy POV*

I am going to cry help me please oh no sweet ramen overlord please grant me protection against these gun bullets, please.


Oh, fuck it's Drew. Of fucking course it's Drew, yandere Drew who's shooting bullets and just happens to be right next to the store I decided to hide in. What a nice coincidence, I feel ecstatic about this!

I hid and waited. One, two, three, four, five, thirty minutes. Then the code was lifted, we were all let out, and the mall was closed down.

What a calm active shooter situation... I'm sure everyone else had an equally uneventful time.

"Daisy!?" Yelled a familiar voice.

"Sean? What happened!?" I asked, concerned for his safety.

"So many eventful things happened! Wait, WHY IS THE KEG ON FIRE!?"

*Jake POV*

*Thirty Minutes Prior*

Of all the places to be, of course, I was in Walmart. The first place a shooter would check for victims during a code red, I just happened to be in. Why is my luck like this? Why must this happen to me?

"JAKEY~ WHERE ARE YOU!" Said a distant voice, most likely Drew's...


"You're not dying today, follow me." Said a voice from behind. Their face was obscured by a Ghostface mask.

All 10 of us, including Sean in that small group, decided to follow the dude as he lead us through a service corridor.

"JAKEY~ COME OUT NOW~!" Drew yelled from under us this time.

The guy leading us seemed annoyed as he lead us down a set of stairs in the narrow service corridor. Once everyone made it down, he opened the door and gestured for us to come. He lead us to an enclosed space near the exit doors, allowing us to escape quickly if need be.

"You all, stay here unless you want to die." He said, and he ran off, taking cover behind the shelves.


"You know Jake, I just want to be friends! If you come out, nobody will get hurt! Just listen to me Jakey, leave them and come to me~! You know you want to~!" He continued.

"Y'know, ever since I wasted that stuck-up whore's daughter, Sadie, you've been acting a bit scared of me... Was that a mistake? Come out so you can tell me, Jakey~! I've been dreaming of finally getting my hands on you for so long, just come out and I'll consider not killing all of you friends!" Drew said creepily, his voice getting closer and closer.

"If you even try to get away, I'll kidnap all you and your friends, rape you, then kill them all in front of you! Wouldn't that be such a nice first date? I know I'm gonna love it when I shoot a hundred bullets into your pathetic whore of a girlfriend! Hell, I bet she's fucking 10 other guys."

Then I heard something like metal drop onto the ground.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE!" Said the masked guy.

The metal tube, which I now know was a flashbang, exploded, causing my ears to ring and my head to hurt. Luckily, we were just far enough to not be blinded. I broke through the pain and along with sean and 5 others, ran out the doors and onto the street. I ran all the way around the mall, where I saw police tape.

"THE SHOOTER IS AT THE WALMART!" Sean yelled, then promptly collapsed to the ground in pain.

Instantly, a couple of dozen officers in light tactical gear rushed towards the Walmart, 50 radios went off, 10 officers said something about "show me going" and an officer came to speak with us.

"Tell me what you guys saw."

*Thirty Minutes Later*

*Sean POV*

"I DON'T KNOW WHY THE KEG IS ON FIRE!" Screamed Daisy, her voice full of pure shock.

A massive bright orange and red fire blazed, flaying The Keg and everyone in it. Someone drove away from the burning building at insanely high speeds, hitting a bunch of plants, and absolutely gunned towards the highway.

I knew full well that Drew had somehow escaped.

Ten police cars stormed through the city streets and chased Drew, they probably weren't gonna catch him anytime soon...

Fire trucks started spraying The Keg. Bellowing smoke clouds filled the air and the cops started instructing civilians to leave. Daisy, still in awe at the fire that had erupted within seconds was too distracted to notice until I told her we needed to leave.

As we started our long and annoying drive back home, I reminded myself that this day was a success. I finally have the ring, and I finally know what I'm going to do with it...

Tomorrow, Sunday at noon. I'm either going to be single or engaged, I don't know how to feel anymore...

Sorry for the short chapter, the next one

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