Twenty-Nine: It all goes wrong.

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*Jake POV*

"MARGARET, DON'T COME DOWN! CALL 911!" My dad yelled.

"Ah, don't worry about them, I wasn't going to hurt the women and children! I'm no monster!" Drew said, a massive grin on his face.

He was holding a gun- the same one he used to kill Sadie.

"Oh, eyeing the gun my dearest? Don't worry, it's loaded with enough rounds."

"Drew... Get out of my house." I said, my voice bitter and angry

"I will, I just need to pick you up first..." 

Then, Drew threw a grenade-looking thing that exploded into a smoky cloud, obscuring the room.

"Night-Night, Jakey."

*Daisy POV*

Sean and I tried to sleep, but we couldn't. We were both too paranoid about Drew's escape, we thought he was going to bust into the house, guns blazing, at any time. We both knew that the odds of that happening weren't that high, but we still thought it was going to happen. 

Just when we were both about to calm down and go back to bed, there was a ring at the doorbell.

"There is no way in hell I'm opening that door." I said 

"If you aren't gonna open it, let's just see who it is from upstairs," Sean said, his voice tense.

 We both went upstairs and peeked down at the porch from my bedroom window. Standing right at our door was a brown guy in a grey shirt and light grey shorts. He holding a briefcase and was decidedly not Drew. 

"I'm opening it." Sean decided 

I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to back down. Sean went to the door while I watched from the stairs, I know, I'm such a courageous hero of the people. 

Sean opened the door

"Hello?" He asked 

"Hey, I'm a friend of Hailey's and she told me to deliver this to you," He said, handing Sean the briefcase. 

"Uh, thanks... What's in it?" Sean asked, suspicious

 "Oh, glad you asked! It's an AR-15 with 5 50-round clips. There's also an MP5K with a lot more clips than the AR-15. Both were modded by me with a suppressor to give you some more accuracy and there's a flashlight on the AR-15's bottom side. Hailey said you'd need this to 'Gun down that purple fucker', so here ya go!" The other guy informed him 

"Why would we need to gun down Drew?"

 "I don't actually know, but she also told me to hand you this" He said, handing Sean a note as well. 

"Thank you!"

"Alright, bye." 

And with that, he ran off into the shitty weather and Sean closed the door.

"We need to open that right now." 

Sean placed the case on the floor in my bedroom and then pulled the note out of his pocket.

"Maybe we should read the note first..." He said

"Alright then, let's see what your ex has to say." I replied

"She- Fine, it says 'Drew took your friends to XXXX Rexdale Blvd, he wasn't stupid enough to come for you two cuz the cops got onto him. Be there in an hour, we'll back you up.'" Sean said, his voice tense.


"We have to go."

Without question, we both put on shitty jackets and stuffed the guns into the trunk. I got behind the wheel and floored the gas. 

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