Twenty-Six: Confessions

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Before this chapter starts, I would like to thank those who have continued to read this fic, it means a lot to me. Also, we've hit 3k reads! This fic will be done at chapter 30 (most likely), it's truly been a wild ride.

Yeah, this is saisy. 

*Jake's POV*

After we all left the hospital and back to our homes, I sulked in my bed. I couldn't sleep, not after that. I was kidnapped, I was the most scared that I'd ever been in my entire life. I tossed and turned, my body refusing to just turn off.

Eventually, I passed out from sheer exhaustion.

I woke up and felt the warmth of someone behind me. Inside of my bed. I knew for a fact that my mom was still on that trip with my brother and that my dad would be home till next week, so who could this be?

Who's the one person that would get into bed with me that has a spare key?

"HAILEY!?" I screamed.

"What? Are you that mad that I'm here?" She muttered.

I slowly climbed back into bed, realizing how tired I was. I looked at my phone and checked the time, it was only 3 am. 

I got back into a semi-comfortable position and attempted to sleep yet again, failing. Hailey got annoyed and decided to cuddle me into being immobilized.

"Sleep." She ordered, and I went to sleep.


I woke up in the morning with Hailey by my side. I started to wonder: what if every day of my life was like this? Knowing every day there will be at least one thing consistent in your life: love. Love seems like the most securing thing in your life. After all of the shit that went down, all I wanted was security. I just wanted to know that tomorrow would start just like today, no being kidnapped or beaten or whatever else could happen.

I slowly got out of bed, trying to not wake Hailey up. Despite my best efforts, Hailey woke up from her slumber.

"Hey, Jake? Where are you going?" She asked.

"To the bathroom. Why?" I told her.

"Stay here." She demanded, squeezing me like a teddy bear.

I decided to not anger Hailey and just stay in bed.

"When will you let me get up?" I asked.

"When I'm not tired." She answered.

Fair enough.

*Daisy POV*

I woke up at 7 am on a Monday, nice and early. I mean, I was excused from school due to being involved in a criminal investigation, so I had nothing to get up for.  I looked over and saw the bed was empty, Sean must have gone downstairs...

"I NEED HELP!" I heard him scream.

I immediately rushed downstairs to find Sean, seemingly in a lot of pain, splayed across the couch.

"What happ-OW-end? I asked, my own body feeling extraordinarily sore.

"I DON'T KNOW! I feel so sore and everything hurts!" He complained.

I thought back to yesterday, thinking about what might have caused all this pain. I remembered we were in the hospital because we took down Drew. Then...

Then Sean and I wanted to forget the whole thing. Perhaps, we did it again...

"Did we do it again?" I asked.

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