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•Jisung POV•

I went and started to pack my things I was thinking of staying for three days in Soul. The first day will be to catch up with my friends, The second day is going to the high school reunion, Finally, I'll just have my day enjoying Seoul scenery one last time before I go back home.

"Daddy I'm going to miss you!" Areum said hugging my leg. "I'll miss you too I'll face time you every day when I'm there okay so you won't be sad that I'm gone got it." "Promise?" she put her pinky out. "Promise," I said.

"Who are you going to leave me with?" She said still hugging my leg.  "With a close friend." "Okey" I grabbed her bags and mine and headed to the car. We passed by many skyscrapers buildings we have finally arrived at my friend's apartment I woke up Areum and headed to her apartment door.

She blew a kiss at me outside my friend's porch I grabbed her kiss putting it beside my heart.

I went back to the car and drove myself to the airport. I got checked in and headed to the plane. I breathed and breathed out looking out the window I couldn't believe I'm doing this am I this insane about thinking to go back or am I just afraid to see what's waiting for me there.

Hours went by I woke up to see that we have arrived to South Korea. I got myself ready when the plane finally landed it took twenty minutes for everyone to get out of the plane I rented a car I lol didn't want anyone to know I was here especially well for him. So I got myself a five-star hotel to stay in for these three days.
I changed to some new relaxing clothing I checked my phone to see it was nine in the morning giving me time to get breakfast outside of the hotel.

I put on my shoes grabbing my bag where my things were at. I put on my mask and left my room. I checked my phone where to eat to see a cafe that was just open three weeks ago. I went on the bus and sat down.

I checked my phone to see no calls from Ace I was happy that he wasn't coming home soon but I doubt it I'm just being paranoid but I have a gut feeling. NO STOP Jisung this isn't going to be about him it's about you stoping your fear of coming back here again. I got a sudden touch on my shoulder I jumped a bit to look at the person. "Um, Jisung right? god, you haven't changed a bit have you."

"Uh, I'm sorry who are you?" "Oh um I was one of the people in our school who bullied you..."
He scratched his head awkwardly. "I have been getting in contact with you and stopping by your house but guess you moved to a whole different continent hahaha." I looked at him with no reaction.

"Well, I- ehem. I wanted to apologize for the wrongdoing that I did as a teenager. I am very sorry for what happened to you in high school nobody deserves the treatment you got in school especially what me and our other classmates did.

We were so stupid no-good kids who thought it was right to bully someone that looked weak and was already getting bullied by other people. We're sorry if you got traumatized by our wrongdoing as I realize when I got older and more mature I knew what I did was wrong I needed to change that so I did I went to therapy it helped me be a better person I still go till this day I am in a happy relationship with my wife and with our two kids.

There is no need for you to forgive me or anyone who hurt you I just wanted to tell you all this."

He smiled. "Hope you have a nice day." He bowed as the bus stopped making his way out the bus.

I never knew what his name was but I knew his face right away. I'm still shocked I never thought someone who bullied me over the years will have the guts to apologize. I give him my thanks for what he said but I can't just say that I forgive him that easily.
I shake my head and looked outside the window the bus stop stopped I got up from my seat and left out the bus.

I went inside the cafe as I walked in I hear a bell I looked up and there it was. One of the staff greeted me at the counter. "Hello, Sir Welcome to Kitty Cat Cafe!" She said with a smile. "What may I help you today!"  "May I have a bagel sandwich and a large milk tea with tropical boba," I said.  "That will be twenty-six dollars and twelve cents."  she smiled.
I gave her my credit card.  "Ooo," she said. "What is it," I asked worried that Ace found out that I'm here and caught my money off.

"Oh nothing it's just you have a black card are you famous I'm sorry I didn't recognize you."  "No, I'm not my husband's side of his family are rich."   "That seems nice me and my girlfriend don't have much but we make it work because we have each other."

"Well at least you have each other being rich is not all that it seems it may bring you happiness for a bit until you figure out that happiness won't be there for long it will leave and all you have left is being dead inside, scared, and alone again." She looked at me worried. "Ah sorry for the sad talks ignore what I said what's your name?!"

"Kim Jiwoo but my friends call me Chuu!."  (Are you guys Loona fans!! I'm not a fan of Loona yet so far I only like their song butterfly don't get me wrong their other songs are good but I like that song my bias are Haseul and Chuu!!)
"Ah, nice to meet you." "You can sit down and will bring your food to you." She smiled brightly again.

I gave her a nod and went to take a seat by the window that showed the many leaves of the cherry blossoms up in the air flying everywhere it felt relaxing.

"Here is your bagel sandwich with your milk tea and tropical boba. Enjoy your meal!" She left them on the table walking back to the back of the store.
I munch on my bagel sandwich how tenderly it felt in my mouth it was so delicious.

I looked at my phone as I drank my boba.
A new unowned message appeared at the top of the screen. I clicked on to see who texted it was Seungmin.

"Hey I heard you we here we'll I heard from Bang Chan he saw you going to the new Kitty Cat Cafe!! Hyunjin, Jeongin, and I go there a lot. I hope we can see you at the high school reunion? Of course no pressure."

I smiled.

I realize I haven't called Areum when I arrived it might be late though. I'll just have to wait when she wakes up.

I suddenly got the guts to text Seungmin back I did tell myself I will catch up with them when I got here. When I send the text it didn't take long before Seungmin answered back. He said he'll get the guys and will text me the address where we will all meet up.

I don't know why was it so hard for me to do it years back. A single text made me this afraid.
I stood up leaving a tip for the girl.

I walked out and smelled the autumn fresh air.

My phone buzzed I looked down to my hand where my phone was. Seungmin texted the place. I called a taxi and headed there.

I know high school reunions are like ten years but for this book, it ain't hope y'all ain't confused...

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