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not me behaving like a hoe when red lights from stray kids are playing in my headphones 😏

3182 words you're welcome...

Minho POV
I'll see you guys later my beautiful. I'll be back in time getting your guy's favorite toys and snacks from Korea. Soonie stop biting Doongie. Come on let's all hug it out. Dori where are you going I say hug it out not gag a hairball on Doongie tail.

*knock knock*

I opened the door to see Candance with her bags she was house-sitting while I'm away if I had the chance I will bring them but Dori hates going on the plane. "I'll take care of them don't worry they listen to me." 

"Thanks, Candace if anything happens please call me as soon as possible because I will go in a flash and you know I can."  "Stop blabbering and hurry before your flight leaves."  "Yeah, you right well see you on Monday." 

I waited for my car to arrive from the parking lots. "Mr. Lee here you go."  "Thanks, Joel." I patted behind his back I put my bags on the trunk I went inside the driver's seat and drove to the airport.

I went inside the airport with my two huge luggage's  I went to check-in and gave my luggage to the airport staff I pass by the airport security they pat me down and told me I was good to go. I put all of my stuff back on and headed to where my plane was. I sit down in my seat grabbing a book from my bag.

While I was reading a little girl stepped onto my shoe.  "Sorry, sir." "Is fine,"  I responded back.
But she was still looking at me. "Yes?" I said.
Looking up from my book.
"Ah you look like a prince that I saw when I went to Japan with my family but he was an actor though you look just like him very handsome."   "Ahaha thank you." She bowed and run along to her parents.

"Plane for South Korea is ready to go." The flight attendant said. She first called for the people that were disabled after that she called men from the army then they asked for the people who are in first class. I got up and showed my passport to the lady she picked a smiled towards me.

I awkwardly walk into the tunnel.  I smiled as one of the flight attendants that were on the plane told me to watch my step. I went to my seat. After a few minutes of everyone getting on the plane, a few of the flight attendants were helping other people.  Then the pilot made an announcement.  "Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please." We all put our seat belts on.

It was seven hours on the plane and lord Jesus do I have a huge migraine just from a kid that was crying nonstop at this point was it worth going to Korea I mean I can just jump off the plane. But I had to go even if a kid was crying and I wanted to kick it out of the plane. I close my eyes putting my headphone in seven more hours to go I can do this.

As everyone got out of the plane I told the lady who was the only one who had a child to shut him up next time. She apologized for any trouble. I walked away yes it was rude of me but I couldn't fall asleep at all last night and she and her child ruined my night schedule. I wonder how my friends do it taking care of a child every second.

I called a car to come and pick me up. "A large poster was up in the air with my name on it."  I went up to him and I asked if he was Mr. Suh. He nodded walking me to his car. He put all my things in his trunk after he was done he opened the door for me I got in and put on my seatbelt.

He drove away from the airport he put GPS on his phone. "Good day to you Mr. Lee."  "Good morning." I said back, "Can I ask if your here for a holiday?" 

"Ah no, i'm here for my high school Reunion and maybe stay for a little bit."  "Ah, I see well hope you see your friends." "Yeah, I hope to see him." I mumbled, "Did you say something else."  "Oh no um just tell me when we arrive at the house." "Of course sir."

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