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Jisung POV•

I got up from my bed to see my husband not next to me again.

I put on my slippers and headed to the bathroom I took my clothes off folding them on the table. I looked at myself in the mirror. I breathed in and breathe out. I got in the shower and cleaned myself up after I was done I put on some fresh attire and went to make breakfast.

I placed two bowls on the table and poured some cereal in I lay some yogurts in the middle and some orange juice next to the cereal.

Areum came walking down the hallway with her messy hair. "Morning daddy!" She yawned. "Hello beautiful why aren't you change today is your first day of daycare."

"I'm sorry I'm was thinking about how to make friends." "Of course you're going to make friends honey your lovable, kind, smart, beautiful like your daddy."

"Then can you help me choose my clothes?" "Of course beautiful."

We both hurried up I put her in a pastel blue dress shirt that went by her thighs and some white leggings with converse.

I told her to eat in the car. I unbuckle her seat and we both went to school. I lead her to her class she stepped in looking nervous she stood in the middle of the class and yelled her name everyone stared at her for a minute and ran up to her saying hi. That's my girl.

I went back to my car and drove to my appointment. I walked inside the building heading to the elevator going up to the sixth floor. The elevator ding and opened I walked in to say my hello to the receptionist and signed in. I waited in the waiting room until my name was called out.
I went to her office once they called my name I sat on the couch and waited for her to come in.

Someone knocked and entered.
It was my therapist. "Hi Jisung welcome
How are you?" "I'm good Linda thank you for letting me come."

"Okay tell me why you call me it's been a year now." "I've been having nightmares." "Do you know why?"

"It's not like nightmares I mean I've been having them I think is because of the stress I have with my husband that rarely comes home it just makes me worry that I have to take care of our daughter by myself I love doing it but I also want to visit my friends who are back in South Korea."

"I see. Has everything be good between you two."

"I don't know the last time he said I love you to me was when we met and got married. After that, I can't remember when was the last time he said it again. But I feel like he will leave me to be with someone else and probably take our kid and I don't want that."

"Does your daughter see her father at least?"
"Not since the birth and a when she turned two she's forgot she had another dad."

"Don't you feel like you want to say something about that to him would you want your daughter to forget she has another dad I feel like your hiding something big Jisung?"

"If I tell you it only stays between us right." "Correct I will keep this between us the only way I could say anything it's if you give me consent."

"O-okay. Well, I have been having problems sleeping and why I'm so stressed lately is because of my husband." "Go on," she said as she wrote in her notepad.

"H-he abuses me like mentally and physically I feel like I'm already in deep shit with our relationship and I can't leave. I don't know why he abuses me I have never done anything wrong.

He leaves me bruises and scratches and when you asked me that one time what happened to my cheek it was him he through a glass of wine at me and it shattered everywhere on the floor.

Our daughter came in crying with the loud noise I didn't want her to see that her father was like that I didn't want her to be scared of him.

He took me to the hospital and the next day he was like a different person he was being nice and caring it was like nothing happened last night and he then said he was sorry that it won't happen again and I felt for it of course." I said chuckling.

"Then we went out for his birthday with some of he's colleagues and their wives. They were complimenting me and why hasn't my husband invited me to hang out with them. I gave them my number so we can contact each because they all were in a relationship and invited us to go on a trip with them and I told them we will go.

When we got home I kissed Areum since she was asleep at the nanny left  as we got there so I was alone with him but then his face changed it was scary. He was a different person like someone else took control over him.

He grabbed me from the back of my neck dragging me to our bedroom throwing me in the bed. Then he yelled at me that why I was flirting with his colleague's. I told him he missed understood then out of nowhere he punched me on the eye and kicked me he told me if he ever found out I was cheating on him he will murder me in front of our daughter you have no idea how disgusted I was.

I was terrified and when I cleaned myself and went to bed again he changed his mood he told me he was sorry and he wouldn't do it nor more he kissed my forehead and I fell for it again because I'm an idiot. After that, he wanted to have sex but I didn't want to but did I had a chance to say no of course not so I stopped going to our appointments."

"How old is your daughter?" "She is three years old."

"Look Jisung I'm your therapist and it's all red flag from what I see you have to stop letting yourself go down he's manipulating you.

Who knows how far this piece of shit will go you have to protect your daughter this is all you can do because who knows if theirs going to be next time if I'll see you or your daughter. You have to seek for help I will always be here for you if you need someone to talk to."

My timer sounds off from my phone. "I have to go now my husband is probably arriving home in an hour by now."

"Alright but Jisung." She said as I was about to head out. "Don't let yourself go because of that piece of shit."

"Don't worry.." I left her office I already let myself go multiple times I said to myself.

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