Security Measures

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Chapter Eighteen – Security Measures

I shouldn't have been surprised to find my bed empty the next morning.

The last thing I remembered was Vincent covering us both with a blanket while we were on the couch. I must have fallen asleep. I was a little put off by the fact that he wasn't there when I woke up, however, the sting was lessened by the note left on the nightstand.

Late night call, princess. I put you to bed and the men needed me. So much for my night off. Stay safe, Arkin will be with you tomorrow. For my sanity, don't lose him. I'll call you.

– Vincent

It made me smile at the very least.

Compared to the night before, my morning was relatively mundane. That was until my doorbell rang around noon. Dexter began growling at the door, and I had to calm him down before I cracked it open just enough to see out into the hall. Vincent's words from the night before came rushing back as soon as I saw the man in the uniform. I rested my forehead against the door for a moment before I opened it.

The man was older, probably around mid to late fifties. He gave me a warm smile as soon as the door was fully open. "Ms. Gracen?" he questioned, extending his hand.

"Juliette," I corrected. "And you are?"

"Fred. Just here to install some security for you as requested by Mr. Monroe."

My eyes rolled of their own accord. Mr. Monroe was never going to hear the end of this. With a deep sigh, I swung the door open and allowed him to come in. We made small talk for a while, but before long I ventured off to my bedroom. Dexter eyed the man before trotting after me. No sooner had I fallen into the covers before my phone began to buzz. I stared at Vincent's name for a moment before I decided to answer. I almost didn't, but after the previous day I knew that wouldn't end well.


"Arkin said the man for the security installation finally showed up."

"Good morning to you too, Vinnie. I'm doing great. Just have a random stranger installing a whole lot of junk around my front door. So glad you asked."

His deep chuckle sounded down the line and caused my heart to take a stutter step before returning to normal speed. "Good morning, princess."

"Stop calling me that."


"Is that all you wanted? To confirm that he was here?"

"No. I also wanted to apologize for dipping out this morning. I know I keep you in the dark about what all we do, but it's for your own good. I handled it."

"I would honestly rather not know," I confessed.

"That's what I figured. When do you work tonight?"

"I have to be there at six."

"I'll be there at five."

"I can walk –"


I blew out a breath. "Why so early?"

"I have some stuff to do on that side of town and I'll already be over there."

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