Minor Slip Ups

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Chapter Thirteen – Minor Slip Ups

            "Fuck," I breathed as my back collided with the floor mat, again.

            "You're not focused," Jack chastised, taking my hand in his to pull me to my feet.

            "You're not focused," I muttered, brushing off my leggings.

            He rolled his eyes at me. "Again."

            Narrowing my own eyes, I took my stance in front of him. We had been at it for hours. He had barely let me take a break to breathe. For some reason, Jack seemed to think I was getting jumped every night. I guess I could tell him I had a very dangerous, blonde, puppy dog tagging along everywhere I went, but I decided against it. As far as I knew, the only reason Lucas hadn't followed me to the gym was because I had left the apartment incredibly early. Especially for me.

            Waking up the morning after Vincent drove me home had been disorienting to say the least. I knew that Vincent had taken me home that Tuesday night over a week prior. I also knew that I had been completely out of it. For some reason, my brain was convinced that he had been sweet and caring, offering to take Dexter out for me. That just didn't make sense. Vincent didn't care about me, let alone my dog. Why would he have gone out of his way to do that?

            But then again, I couldn't ignore the fact that Dexter hadn't had an accident. Meaning he had to have been taken outside.

            Lost in my thoughts, I missed Jack's movement. He swiped my legs out from under me with little effort. My back slammed the mat with a resounding whack as my breath left me.

            "Juliette," Jack growled, clearly getting frustrated with me.

            "Shut up," I spat, blowing my bangs out of my face without getting up. He wasn't nearly as irritated with me as I was. I couldn't turn my brain off to focus for the life of me. What Vincent had done had plagued me the whole week, and well into my training with Jack too. I couldn't understand his motives. Someone like Vincent Monroe didn't take out a girl's dog without some form of ulterior motive. I sure as hell didn't believe he was taking me home out of the kindness of his heart either – which he continued to do. He wanted something from me. I just couldn't figure out what.

            Jack's hands gripped my waist as he hauled my unwilling body into a standing position. He set his hands on my shoulders, ducking down so that he could catch my eye. "Juliette, what's wrong?"


            "Haven't we had the talk about trust already?"

            "I'm just distracted."

            "You don't say."

            "Fuck off," I growled, swatting his hands off me before going on the offensive. He wasn't expecting my attack and I had him on the floor before he could catch his bearings. He blinked up at me, and I struggled to contain my grin.

            Something in his eyes flashed, and in an instant I was the one on my back.

            "Once again, you're distracted," he muttered.

            I shoved him off me. "I just said that," I snapped. Huffing, I allowed myself to fall flat on my back. Today was going to be one for the books – as one of the least productive days ever.

            "Get up."



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