Rude Awakenings

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Chapter Six – Rude Awakenings

The blaring of my phone from the floor woke me up. Groaning, I sat up and squinted at the bedside clock. I had only been asleep for close to an hour. Realization dawned on me and a string of profanities fell from my mouth as I all but dove for the phone. Pulling it out of my uniform pocket with fumbling hands, I prayed he wouldn't be too angry as I answered the call. "Hello?" I tentatively asked.

"I'm going to kill you, Jules!" Dante exploded, the volume of his voice hurting my ears. "I told you to call me. I've been worried sick."

"I fell asleep," I sheepishly admitted, biting my lip as Dexter poked his head over the edge of the bed to stare at me where I sat on the floor.

He sighed, and I could practically see him running his hand down his face. "I thought they got you again," he mumbled, and I didn't have to ask to know that he was talking about Vincent.

"He said he wouldn't hurt me," I reminded him, hoisting myself up just to fall onto the bed beside Dexter.

"And you trust him?"

"Don't really have a choice in the matter, do I?" I snapped, immediately feeling bad for it.

"Just be careful, Jules," he muttered.

"I will. Can I go back to sleep now?"

His soft chuckle sounded through the phone. "Goodnight, Juliette."

"Night, Dante," I murmured, ending the call before pitching the phone back onto the floor. "Stupid, overprotective boss," I grunted, rolling over so that I was lying on my stomach with one arm wrapped around Dexter. He sniffed at my hair before licking my cheek. Shoving his face away from mine, I turned so that my back was pressed against his warm body. Before long, I was fast asleep again.

* * * * *

The next time I was woken up, it was by the pounding on my door. After glancing at the clock and deciding that nine was a decent time to get up, I groaned and heaved myself out of bed. As I trudged out into the living room, Dexter was trotting right along beside me. While I probably looked like death warmed over, he was all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Lucky dog.

Reaching up on my tiptoes to look through the peephole, another groan slipped through my lips. "I'm going to kill you," I threatened Devyn as I swung the door open.

She just grinned at me. "It's good to see you too, Jules," she greeted, shouldering her way past me on her way to the kitchen.

The bag she placed on the counter along with the coffee she set beside it immediately lifted my spirits. "You shouldn't have," I teased, picking up the cappuccino before taking a hesitant sip. When I was satisfied I wasn't going to burn my taste buds off, I took a longer drink.

"I needed an excuse to come yell at you," she replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"About?" I questioned with a wince, already having an idea where this was going.

"You need to start letting Dante give you a ride home," she stated, crossing her arms over her cheetah print clad chest.

"I'm not a child," I grumbled, digging into the bag to get the jelly doughnut that was calling my name.

"It doesn't matter, Jules," she all but yelled, flinging her arms up. "You shouldn't be walking home at that time."

"You do it," I pointed out, taking a generous bite out of my food.

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