Time with Vinnie

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Chapter Sixteen – Time with Vinnie

Vincent took a step back, giving me room to breathe, and the spell broke.

"You're a shit shot," he said.

"I am not!"

"No, you're not. But you're not great either. Here," he placed his hands on my shoulders and spun me around to face the target. "Pick up the gun."

Doing as he instructed, I readied myself. I slipped the headphones back on without covering my ears, took my stance, and raised the gun. Vincent knocked my feet closer together with his foot and brought his arms around me so that he was holding the gun as well. He steadied me, and murmured instructions in my ear. I could barely hear him. My blood was pulsing through my veins and raising my body temperature. Shaking my head, I forced myself to concentrate. He gave me a few more instructions, slipped the headphones over my ears, and then stepped back.

I fired.

It wasn't a bullseye, but it was the closest I had gotten. When I glanced back at him, the small touch of pride on his face was enough to make my stomach flip. He nodded his head towards the target. I shot him a smile before refocusing on the task at hand. Each bullet I fired was closer and closer to the center. On my second clip, I managed to hit the bullseye three times in a row. A light chuckle left Vincent's lips when I jumped up and down a little bit. His laughter reminded me he was the reason for my excitement. Without thinking, I spun on my heel and threw my arms around him.

He stiffened for a moment, and then his warm arms wound around my waist. It was the safest I had felt in a long time. We stood like that for a long moment. I think both of us were shocked it had happened. Vincent withdrew from me, but he kept his hands on my shoulders. He said something, but I couldn't hear him. I removed the headphones and tossed them onto the counter. "Better," he repeated.

"Thank you," I said.

"Don't mention it. Clean up and meet me out front." He didn't wait for me to acknowledge him before he started walking away. I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't know why I was surprised at him being bossy. It was what he did. So, after I had gathered everything I needed to, I made my way back to the front. When I got there, Vincent was squatted down in front of Dexter. He was petting him, but his focus was on Tony. Dexter was loving the attention, but when he saw me he stood up. Both men turned towards me at his change in demeanor.

"Still like the way it shoots?" Tony asked, a broad smile stretching across his face.

"Yes. Remind me how much it was again?" I knew I had enough. I had rounded up so I would be sure to have the money. The exact price was escaping me.


"What?" My voice went flat as my eyes cut to Vincent. That had better not have meant what I thought it did.

"The gun is yours. I handled it."

"Tony, give him his money back, right now."

"Can't do that for ya, girl. He's kind of got a hand in what I do here."

I glared at Vincent. "I have been saving up for months to have the money for this gun. I have it. I don't need your help."

"Suck it up, princess," he told me, rolling his eyes. "What's done is done."

My eyes narrowed. "I'll get you back for this."


We said our goodbyes to Tony and exited the shop. I tugged on Dexter's lead and began to make my way back to my apartment without so much a goodbye to Vincent. I was irritated with him. I didn't need his help. How dare he do something like that without at least speaking to me about it first?

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