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Two Years Later
December 31, 11:58pm

"I love you so much Andrea "  Luke says brushing Andreas hair back.
They have been together again for the last two years.
Its New years Eve and they were at their secret place in the woods.
Somewhere they can be alone but still be able to see the fireworks.
"I love you more " Andrea says, putting her arms around Likes neck. She leans in and they both kiss. Passionately. Their lips moving in sync.
When they pull back, Luke smiles and says its time.
He sets Andrea back on the picnic table.
He goes down onto the ground and smiles his million dollar smile at her.
Andrea could guess where this was leading. It was all she ever wanted. For Luke to ask her that question. 
She couldn't believe it.
"Andrea Green, I love you so much, I cant even explain how much. To the moon and back is not enough. Infinity is as small as a grain of sand compared. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and so I will ask you a question and you have to answer it"  He lets go of her hand and kneels down.
"Andrea Maria Green, will you promise your love to me and spent the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me? " Luke asks and opens the jewelry box to reaveal a beautiful diamond ring.
Andrea couldn't believe it. Even though she knew he was going yo ask her, she was still surprised. She only realised it a few seconds ago.
She tries to open her mouth and say "yes" but nothing comes out.
Lukes smile starts to spelt fade when he sees that she isn't replying. He realizes that she doesn't want him. He just made a fool out of himself. He shouldn't have asked. He should have waited.
He should have known she isn't ready for a long term committment yet.
He looks down and he can feel his face burning hot of embarrassment and rejection. 
Just then the fireworks light up the sky and he hears Andrea say something but he didn't quite catch it.
"What? " he asks.
"Yes" she manages to say.
Lukes lips turn up into his signature smile and his eyes seems to shine more than the fireworks. 
"Put the ring only finger you idiot" Andrea says holding out her hand.
Luke takes the ring out of the box and slowly slides it into her ring finger.
"Now you are mine " Luke tells her.
"Forever " Andrea promises.

And that's it!
Done. Finished. Over and done with.
Thank you so much if you actually read the whole book. It really means so much to me.
Maybe its a little creepy but I love you.
Yes you. You with the eyes and the nose and the ears and the lungs and the heart.
Do you hear me?

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