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I get out of my car and follow Josh into his empty house. He sticks the key in and opens the door to reveal quite a fancy living room and by fancy I mean big crystal chandeliers,statues made out of what looks like gold. Expensive posh looking couches and in the middle  of  the room a staircase that spirals its way upstairs. Fancy pictures on the walls and everything everywhere looks expensive. I guess I should have known it would be fancy I mean, it does look like  a hotel from the outside. 

Josh closes the door, takes my hands and leads me upstairs. More fancy things here. I can guess where he's taking me. Yup! His bedroom. Oh no I know where this is going.

Isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you want to forget about Luke?

Luke.No I don't . Do I? Its Luke anymore,  is it? No it's not

Josh pulls me close to him, pressing my body against his. He kisses my jawline, slowly making his way to my neck. His hands un zip my dress from behind. Still kissing, he pulls it off me                                          I think about Luke for a slight second but push the thought aside. I'm doing whats best for me


Short Chapter I know. But I am sorry. I really am. I love each and every single one of you thats reading this.                                                                                                                                                             Could you please do me atiny favour by reading "The boy next door" by @BubblyDarling, because she is totally awsome (as are you) and it would make both of us happy if you throw in a couple of votes too :)

Q.O.T.D: Would you hate me if  I stopped this book at this chapter?

Comment/Vote and share 

Hugs and kisses 

Aleena ♥

P.S If you still want me to keep going, the next chapter might be someone elses P.O.V                     And no its not Luke                                                                                                                                                  You can guess who it is in the comments 


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