
357 15 44

March 16th, 1995

C a r i n a

I've been here for 6th months and 8 days now, and it has been the time of my life. Beauxbatons is not a place I enjoy, everyone there is so judgmental. You have to look a certain way and be perfect. I hate it there.

Here, I get to be myself with a change. Nobody knew me when I arrived, I was just some random french girl.

The amount of people I have met here and became friends with, are more than I have ever experienced before. The only friends I had were Elaine and our friend at home Demetri.

Demetri would pull me and Elaine out of all the shit we got in. I have received a few letters from him in the past months, but most are just saying what things are like back in France.

Honestly, I don't want to go back.

For once, I actually like the girl I am here. She is loud, and happy, and can just be herself without putting on a face for stuck up snobs. Of course I have to deal with my older sister and her friends, but ignore them.

My "relationship" with Draco is very confusing. I have no clue what, if anything is going on between us. He did get me my favorite candy for Valentine's Day, but does that really say much?

I don't want to get my hopes up for something that isn't there. I do, however, hope that there is something.

I am top in all my classes, even History of Magic. The classes aren't as hard as everyone here is making them seem.

All the Gryffindors are fond of me, it's because I keep winning them more house points.

I am quite enjoying classes, and I think they are interesting. At Beauxbatons, it wasn't really fun. Just boring. The teachers and students here are humorous. It makes our studies a lot more enjoyable.

A strange thing that is happening is that I keep having a weird dream. A woman singing 'A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes' from Cinderella. She cradles me like a baby, but I cannot see her face. Her voice is soft and sweet.

It feels oddly familiar, so it could be a memory from when I was a baby. I'm not entirely sure though.

It's not important.

I met up with Elaine in the library, we have to study for our Transfiguration exam. "Bonjour Carina, you are late." Elaine's voice is airy and singsong like. She does this a lot.

"No, you're just early."

"Oh yeah. I do have that problem." She flashes a big fake smile and then moves to her textbook. Elaine's best subject is Arithmancy. Something about numbers, I don't even know.

After 10 minutes in, Draco walks over to our table. "Hello Frenchie." He turns to Elaine. "Blondie." She glares.

"What do you want Ferret, we're studying?" Elaine scowls.

"I wanted to talk to Carina, I have a question for her. In private." He looks at me and I give a small grin.

Elaine rolls her eyes. "Fine, don't be too long."

I stand up and go with Draco, he leads me down a dark hall. "Is this the secret passage from when I first got here?" I ask, remembering it leads to the Astronomy Tower.

"Indeed it is."

When we get there, it is very windy. My hair is blowing all over and in my face. "So, what is your question? Oh also, why are we always up here?"

"We are up here because I like it, and the question I have for you is about this weekend. You know how there is a trip to Hogsmeade on Saturday?" I nod. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to get a Butterbeer there? I mean, you always get Butterbeer, but I mean like with me. If that's alright with you? You know if it's not then that is fine but-"

Little French Girl; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now