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November 24, 1994

C a r i n a

The first task.

The echoes of excitement are running through the stands. I heard a rumor that there are going to be dragons involved.

Lavender and Parvati lead me and Elaine over to sit with other Gryffindors. They look friendly enough. Maybe not Hermione though.

"Carina, Elaine, this is Neville, Dean, Seamus, Ron, and you know Hermione." They all wave at the two of us, and I smile.

I sit down next to a boy with messy light brown hair. "Hi, I'm Carina."

The boys eyes go wide, and slowly looks at me. "Uh- Neville." he says stammering a little bit.

"Nice to meet you." I say. I can tell that he is one of the nice ones.

"You're french right?" I nod. "Wow, and you're like really smart, popular, and pretty- uh- I- you probably shouldn't be talking to me. It will make you look bad- not that you look bad, because you look very good- I- sorry."

I give a small laugh "I'll take my chances." He smiles at me.

Elaine sits on the other side of me next to one of the red head boys. I think the one that was Hermione's friend. There seem to be a lot of red heads here. I've seen a girl with red hair too at the Gryffindor table.

He keeps staring at Elaine, completely mesmerized.

"What are you staring at?" Elaine snaps at the red head boy.

He shakes his head and loses his eye contact with my best friend. "Uh- what?- I"

"Save it." he jumps back. I am trying to hold in my laugh.

"But you said that-"

"I don't care what I said. Now stop looking at me and go mind your own business." She gives him the deadly stare that she is so good at.

He nods and quickly walks to sit in another seat.

Elaine turns to face me, and my laugh falls out. "Little harsh, don't you think?"

She joins in with me laughing too. "Nah, he needs to learn where to keep his eyes." 

Elaine scaring off boys is on of my favorite things to watch. They run away like little girls and she has even made a few cry. Let's just say you don't want to get on her bad side.  

"Elaine if you scare off all the guys, there won't be any left. And there are some pretty good looking ones here." 

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah, but what about the girls too." 

"You know that's not my thing, but you do you girl. You know how much I support you." She came out to me last year. 

She was scared but she did it, and I fully support her. Even better, I was the first person she came out too. 

"Yes, and that is why you are my best friend." She nudges my shoulder. 

"That and also my super funny personality. Ooh, and don't forget we are the two hottest bitches to ever exist." The two of us have always been overly confident together. 

"You know it." I like to think it's us having character. 

There is nothing wrong with adding a bit of spice wherever we go. It makes things way more fun. 

"And now the moment we have all been waiting for, the first task!" Dumbledore shouts and everyone in the stands cheers loudly. 

Cedric Diggory is the first champion to come out into the arena. He stands there looking around, when out of nowhere a ginormous dragon shows up. 

Little French Girl; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now