
620 24 34

October 23, 1994

D r a c o

Stupid Potter. I can't believe he was chosen for the Triwizard Tournement. 

Eh doesn't matter to me, he will die within the first 5 minutes. 

I walk around the courtyard passing out more Potter Stinks badges. One of the most genius ideas I've come up with if I do say so myself. 

The majority of the school has taken a badge, along with the guys from Durmstrang and the girls from Beauxbatons. 

I even got the Gryffindorks to get one. There are only a few who haven't taken one.  

Either Viktor Krum or the Hufflepuff Diggory is going to win. The Beauxbaton girl, well that girl only has looks and no skill so that gives up her chance. And Potty will get himself killed, and it will be a joy to watch. 

I see a group of girls in pale blue uniforms, and long wavy brown hair catches my eye. 

I gather up my confidence and stride over to the group of girls. "Hey Frenchie." 

All 6 of them turn and face me. The familiar blonde opens her mouth. 

"And which one of us are you referring too, we are all french." They all give small laughs. She looks at Dubois and back at me. "Oh, you are talking about Carina. I get it, we'll leave. Come on girls lets go." 

They all walk away leaving Dubois with me. I am glad the others left, mostly blondie. She frightens me. 

"Hey." I say. 


"How are you?" I feel pathetic. No I am pathetic. 

"I'm fine." Her eyes move to the pin on my robes. "I see you have one of those." She was one of the ones who didn't take one. 

"Oh yeah, pretty great right?" 

She purses her lips. "I don't really think great is the right word to use, but I guess." 

This is not going well. I can feel her eyes judging me. Not a good sign.  

"Would you like one?" I take out the badge and offer it to her. The Potter Stinks part shows up and she stares at it. 

"I'm good, but thank you." She looks back to me. "I should probably go, I have to help Fleur prepare for the first task."   

"Uh yeah, I should go too." I don't, but I'm not sure what else to say. 

She brushes my shoulder as she walks by. "It's was nice talking to you Draco." 

"Yeah, you too." She smiles and then runs off back into the castle. 

I really need a distraction right about now. I decide to get in a tree, I find it very relaxing. 

I see Potty come into the courtyard. 

"Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're going to last 10 minutes in this tournament." I jump down from the tree and land on the ground. I glide closer to the nervous idiot. 

Crabbe, Goyle and two other guys follow behind me. I am not really sure where they came from. 

"He disagrees, he thinks you won't last 5." 

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy!" Potter says and shoves me back. "He's vile and cruel, and you're a pathetic." He turns and walks away. 

No way he is getting away with this. "Pathetic." I mutter and take out my wand.  

Before I can cast any spells, I am hit with one. I look down at my feet, and see paws. 

Little French Girl; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now