fourteen pt. 2

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C a r i n a

Draco won't take his eyes off me.

I can't take my eyes off him.

I am at the top of the stairs, he is at the bottom. And we just stare at each other, not losing eye contact.

I don't know what to do.

Walk dumbass, walk down the stairs. Right walk down the stairs, I can do that.

I try to focus on not stumbling, but it is hard when his eyes are burning my own eyes. I'm not sure if he looked at myself as a whole, he is only looking at my eyes.

"Hi." I mutter.


This is really awkward.

"You look... uh.." He looks for words.

Say something.

"Great." He finally gets the word out.

"Thank you." I'm pathetic. But I already knew this.

We just stand there now avoiding eye contact. Someone come and save me.

"Alright love birds, i'm getting bored. Let's go inside." Elaine barges in.

Merlin, it's like she knew.

Draco and I look at each other very uncomfortably. The five of us start to walk into the dance when Elaine pulls me aside. "Carina I love you but, what the hell was that?" 

"Was it really that bad?" 

Her eyes go wide and she nods her head. "We really need to work on this." 

I roll my eyes and she nudges my shoulder. She entwines her arms with Theo and Blaise's and struts into the ball. I strive to be as confident as Elaine. 

Draco appears next to me and holds out his arm. I loop my arm through and the two of us head inside with everyone else. 

Surprisingly all are doing the same as us with walking in. I guess even though this is incredibly awkward we are the same as the rest. 

I am blushing so much right now and I am like 75% sure my feet went numb. 

The Great Hall looks so beautiful. It is decked with holiday and snow cheer. Magic of course to keep the place warm since it is freezing outside. 

There are ice sculptures of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. The details are extraordinary and very impressive. 

We are told to stand back and form a walkway for the champions to come through. Paravti is coming with Harry so they will come through. But I can't seem to see Hermione in the crowd. 

The big doors fly open and the champions pool in. Cedric is with Cho Chang. I have heard that she is fairly popular and that all the guys want her. 

Fleur enters with Roger Davies. I met him, and he is very nice. Fleur really likes him too and I'm happy for her. He practically asked right away and they have already been on two dates in the past month. 

My jaw drops when I see who Viktor Krum's date is. Hermione. "No way." I whisper to Elaine. She is in disbelief as well. 

"Well I'll be damned, I did not see that coming." Elaine murmurs back to me. 

Hermione does look really pretty, and I think happy. This is a start. I look over at Ron and he has a sour look on his face. There is something going on between the two, but both are way to stubborn to realize their feelings. A shame, as much as I hate to say it, those two would make a good couple. 

Little French Girl; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now