Stormi's True Form

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Chapter 7

Location: Raimon Jr. High School Soccer Field

Stormi's POV:

The second half is about to start. I can see that my team is still determined to turn this game around, even if they're hurt. Oh father, why must you go to this extent to ruin a game you once loved? You leave me no choice but to show your team what you feared people finding out about me. The extent I can go to. A god is no match to a goddess and I will show you that today.

Mark: Are you guys ready?
Sam: I think so.
Stormi: I believe in you guys! Just hang in there a little longer. I have a feeling this match is gonna turn heads.
Jude: You heard her, let's fight till the very end!
Everyone: Yeah!
Stormi: Jude? A word please.
Jude: Yes?
Stormi: I'm surprised you haven't caught up on how they play.
Jude: Wait? You figured it out?
Stormi: Sharpest on the team they say? Look at their constant formation change. When they are passing the ball around, they pass it around in 3's. When the ball reaches the 3rd player it is always Byron. They only take orders from him which means passing their captain leaves the rest of the team vulnerable because of how much they relay on him.
Jude: You're amazing. I mean you're sight, not sight uhhh...
Stormi: Don't get all worked up right now. Let's get on the filed and show them how we truly play.

Soccer Commentator:

The second match started and the crowd is going crazy. It seems as if they still have hope left for Raimon to turn this game around. Is that who I think it is? If the online sources are correct that is Zeus's Jr. coaches daughter? What is she doing in Raimon? This game just became a whole lot interesting.

Stormi; Should I even be surprised? His little team probably spread the news to keep a bad image about me.
Axel: Don't let them get to you. Focus on the game.
Stormi: Already one step ahead of you.

The whistle blew and the second half of the game began. But why aren't Raimon attacking? They passed the ball over to Zeus. One of the team members where excited so he disregarded orders from Byron and went to score a goal. He flew passed the field and in a blink of an eye Stormi appeared in from of him. As if she knew what his next move will be. She steals the ball and passes to axel yelling at him to follow her steps. Axel passes it to Jude and he then proceeded to pass it to Stormi.

Stormi: Follow my lead and trust me!

As Zeus was trying to stop Stormi from scoring. She jumped in the air and had Jude and Axel follow her. As they were spinning in the air they created a dark mist around them, it was thick and hard to see through. There were fire penguins come in and out of it. Zeus looked confused as to what this move was because they have never seen anything like it. "Dark Penguin" was all that was heard. The ball flew out of the mist with such force and power that is was almost impossible to stop. Raimon scored!!

Stormi; That's what you call a killer shot!
Jack: We scored! I mean they scored! We have a goal!!
Axel: That's a nice shot you got there shorty.
Jude: You came up with it on the spot?
Stormi: I've visioned it a while back when you guys were training. I'm glad we made it work. We just have to make it stronger.
Axel: Agreed.
Byron: Enough with the small talks! I will show you what my team is capable of!

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