xxviii. Rescue

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I couldn't sleep.

Dad had tried to convince me to when he returned home. He saw me sitting silently in the living room, clutching onto the picture frame that held the beautiful memory of Louis and I. His eyes were wide as he inspected the damage the cabin had sustained, the back yard completely destroyed by Louis. The Nox henchmen had been taken care of by Dad, their unconscious bodies dumped in the dark corners of the forest. He had only held me tight as I mumbled what happened, not saying anything as I told him my rescue plan. He had only said if we were to truly follow through with my idea, I would need rest.

Believe me, I wanted to go to sleep and just forget everything that happened. However, every time I tried, I would see terrible things, concoctions of my imagination torturing me.

I would see Louis beaten up and thrown into a prison cell, his body too weak to even sit up. I would see him being tortured by Marissa with her strange pain talent, screaming in pain and screaming in vain as he could do nothing to help himself. I saw him being shocked by dangerous volts of electricity, his strong heart stuttering and faltering afterwards. I saw as strong hands held his head underwater, trying to drown him.

I could feel the current overpowering his talent, my heart too familiar with the scary stutters he faced, the pain of Marissa's gaze too much to bear. I could feel my lungs clenching as if I were underwater, I could feel it all. I could feel all of Louis' pain, which scared me more than anything.

That meant the dreams weren't imaginary. The dreams were actually happening to Louis.

I woke up too many times during the course of the night, tears pouring from my eyes or my body aching with his pain. I just wanted Louis back, safe and sound in my arms, free from any pain or suffering.

All I wanted was to hold him tight in my embrace, be able to hug him and protect him from any danger. I would keep him warm, run my fingers through his hair, kiss him until both of our lips were red and swollen. I would look into his sparkling eyes and see my whole world inside them, see the soul that completes mine.

I had gotten out of bed when the nightmares had become too much to bear, my bare feet padding over to the glass doors and stepping on the balcony that overlooked the back yard.

My already puffy eyes cried more, my sobs muffled and broken as I placed a hand over my mouth. My tears dropped onto the wooden railing, my hands gripping it tight as I tried to keep myself from crumbling.

I was broken in half. I could feel the broken shards of my now incomplete soul within me. Call me over dramatic or emotional, but I felt like something was missing from me. And it was the absolute worst feeling I could ever experience.

It was the unknown that killed me. Was Louis being tortured right now? Had Allister done something to him? Was he seriously hurt? All of the questions rebounded around inside my skull and drove me crazy.

I'm going to bring you home, Lou. Don't worry. I promised as I stared up at the stars on my balcony, my fists clenching tighter onto the railing.


The truck's tires screeched against the paved roads as Dad sped towards the destination I saw in my head the next afternoon. Our morning was spent devising a plan to rescue Louis, as well as training my talents that we would without a doubt need. We had decided that we would drive to Nox's hideout in Seattle and use my invisibility to stealthily try to get inside and find Louis, busting him out and running for the Rift where he could rest. I didn't say much during the drive, only helping Dad navigate the busy Seattle streets towards the hideout.

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