xvi. No Control

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I was woken up by the heavenly smell of bacon, my eyes fluttering open slowly to find that all the butterflies from the night before had disappeared. I yawned and stretched out my arms as I got out of bed, my body feeling completely rejuvenated. That was some of the best sleep I had had in a while, and I would have to thank Louis later.

Wait. Bacon. Louis.

Surely Louis was making breakfast downstairs and not my father...right? I was sure Dad would have a heart attack if he found out I let a boy sleep over without his permission, even if Louis and him we getting along well.

My hope was shattered when I heard my father's voice talking to someone downstairs, more than likely Louis.

I quickly got up from bed and rushed down the stairs, my lungs burning and my chest wheezing for breath as I swiftly turned into the kitchen.

Dad and Louis seemed unfazed by my presence, Dad still continuing with his conversation as he cooked bacon and eggs. Louis was eating at the kitchen table, clearing his entire plate only to have Dad cover it again with more eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Morning, Mira." Louis said between bites of bacon, making my father turn and smile at me. My breakfast was made for me, Dad placing the three pills on the side with some juice like always before setting the plate down on the table.

I would've sat down and started eating, but I couldn't seem to catch my breath. My heart was pounding furiously in my chest, my lungs gasping for air like I had just ran a mile instead of only going down a flight of stairs.

"You okay, baby girl?" Dad asked as I placed a hand on the couch, leaning my weight onto it as I still struggled to breathe. His previous look of happiness soon transformed into one of worry and concern as he watched me.

I eventually did catch my breath, the dull ache in my chest stopping as I slowly made my way over to the kitchen table. That was strange, but the aching and breathlessness was over, so I figured I could stop worrying about it.

Louis and Dad seemed to think otherwise as they stared at me. I quickly took my pills before grabbing my fork and preparing to eat my breakfast. The silence was unnerving me, and just as soon as I had picked the silverware up, it was placed back down on the plate.

"What?" I asked both men, a little harsher than I planned to.

"Mira, maybe you should stay home today and just relax." Dad suggested, his attention to the still cooking eggs left alone as he stared at me.

"What? No, I feel fine." I argued, which made Dad raise his eyebrows at me. You sure didn't look fine just then, he seemed to mentally say.

"Please Dad? I really wanna go to the ice cream place in town with Louis today." I begged, Louis' eyes going back and forth between Dad and me as he watched our little argument unfold.

"You need to stay home and relax." Dad said coolly, refusing to let his temper get out of hand again.

"What if we just went to get ice cream and then came back home?" I suggested, knowing the only way I was going to win this argument was if I included coming home in my offer.

Dad seemed to contemplate my offer for a bit before sighing.

"Fine, ice cream and back home, but that's it. Got it, Mira?" Dad said, and I happily nodded before picking my fork up yet again and beginning to eat.

"You see the trouble I have to deal with Louis?" Dad joked at me before chuckling and continuing to make breakfast while Louis smirked at me. I rolled my eyes as Louis smiled at me, wondering how on earth my life got tangled up with two of the most immature men on the planet.

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