vii. Daddy-Daughter Time

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After the cloud incident, Louis seemed a bit hesitant of me as he walked beside me on my way back to the cabin. The walk was full of silences: Louis not knowing what to say and me not knowing what just happened.

Eventually we reached the edge of the forest, the cabin in full view ahead of us. Louis bit his lip as he dug his hands into his pockets, unsure of what to say to me. The confident man from before had been replaced by a timid boy.



We both started talking at the same time, a tiny giggle from me easing the tension in the air as Louis sighed in relief. I wonder if he thought he had scared me, made me cower in fear at the fact he could do strange things.

Just the opposite happened though, I had never been more fascinated or curious in my life.

"You go ahead." Louis told me like a true gentleman, my fingers knotting themselves together as I asked him my questions.

"How long have you been able to do that?"

"My whole life." Louis easily answered, his confidence now back for good.

"Your whole life? How did you learn to do that?" I asked in wonder, Louis only shrugging.

"I guess it's just a natural talent. I had to practice my skills of course, but the talent is bred inside of me." He kicked a few twigs on the forest floor to the side, a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks. I wondered if he ever showed anyone else his talents.

"Who else knows about this?"

"Just you." He mumbled, stepping closer to me. He had that same look in his eyes as before, that special look that only came out once in a while when he stared directly into my eyes. "You're the only one who knows."

I was silent as I realized how much Louis must trust me to reveal his amazing talents to me. And to think, we only met a few days ago.

"But Mira, please, you can't tell anyone." He gushed, taking my hands in his as he became anxious with fear.

"I won't. I promise, Louis." I assured him, and I truly meant what I said. He had saved me, and for that I was eternally grateful to him.

"Thank you." Louis sighed in relief, eyes closing as he let his fear roll off his shoulders. His pretty eyes opened and fixed on the cabin, my head turning to follow his line of vision to catch sight of Dad's truck pulling up into the driveway. That was strange. He had told me he wasn't going to be back for a while.

"I guess that's your cue to go?" Louis asked, sadly smiling when I nodded. He told me goodbye before beginning to walk back into the forest. A sudden surge of courage overwhelmed me as I rushed towards him, Louis turning around before finding himself caught in one of my bear hugs, my arms wrapping around him tight. He seemed taken aback before he lightly chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. He smelled like the forest, a rustic pine scent mixed with something I couldn't quite recognize. Regardless, I loved it.

"Thank you Louis. For saving me." I mumbled, savoring in his warm hug and dreamy smell for a few moments before I pulled away. I gave him a shy smile, blushing at his wild and ecstatic expression. I told him goodbye before turning to go to the cabin, feeling a gentle tug on my fingertips and hearing lips whispering in my ear.

"Check your back porch tonight. Adventure will await you there."

When I got to the cabin Dad was sitting on the couch watching TV, turning ESPN off as I stepped in from the back door.

"Hey baby girl." He said as he got up from the couch. "How was the forest?"

"Good, what are you doing home so early?" I asked as Dad walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a soda from the fridge.

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