v. Pains

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I wasn't too sure if I should have told Dad about Louis when I got back to the cabin. I had a feeling that telling him I met a random stranger in the woods and was going to meet him again today wouldn't have gone down well. I had already almost lost my forest privileges from almost getting lost, I didn't need to push the boundary with meeting a stranger.

But there was something about Louis that drew me in, made my mind captive to thoughts about him and his bright eyes. I felt like I needed to see him again, like this was something I was meant to do. I had never felt anything like it before, this feeling of maybe actually doing something right in my life.

I was so caught up in my thoughts about meeting Louis again that I didn't even realize I had taken all of my pills and finished my breakfast in record speed as Dad watched on with wide eyes. He had been moving to take a sip of his new Seattle coffee (he claimed he should try and savor the various coffees of the coffee capital of America or it would've been a crime) when he spotted me taking all three pills without so much as a grimace. Dad froze mid-sip, immediately setting his mug down on the counter top and rushing over to me, his hand pressing to my forehead in a flurry of motion.

"Are you feeling alright? You've never taken those pills without some sassy remark before." He joked, my eyes rolling as I finished my last bite of scrambled eggs.

"I can't just take them?" I asked, Dad furiously shaking his head no as he stared at me in confusion.

"Mira, you've hated the very existence of those pills since you were ten. You even threatened to write an angry letter to the company that produced them when you were eleven." Dad reminded me, a smile forming on my lips as I remembered that moment. I had written everything just as I had promised to, but at the last second I didn't mail it because Dad had thrown it away while I was working on schoolwork so as not to annoy the people who were responsible for keeping me alive.

"Well I've been trying to turn over a new leaf." I explained to my perplexed father, who still stared at me like I was some newly discovered creature that was half-zebra-half-flamingo in a zoo exhibit. "And I've decided that not complaining about things I can't help is one step to a better life."

It was true, ever since I met Louis I had a strange urge to finally take control of my life and make my own decisions. I was tired of having to always be taken care of, I was ready to finally spread my wings and fly away from my nest.

"Very philosophical, Aristotle." Dad laughed.

"I think I would suit Socrates more. You know how metaphorical I am." I said, Dad rolling his eyes. "Besides, Aristotle was sexist."

"Oh yes, we can't offend the only female in the house." He casually spoke, but only realized the extent of his words once they were spoken. Had Mom never been hit by that drunk driver so long ago, I wouldn't be the only female in the house. He tried to play it off like he was fine, but I secretly saw the hurt in his eyes. Even nineteen years later, he still felt the stinging pain.

His mug shook ever so slightly in his hands until he quickly placed it down on the tabletop again, giving me a forced smile before kissing my forehead and reaching for his raincoat and keys to head out for the first aid center. "I'll see you later, baby girl. Be safe."

I sighed as I set my fork down on my finished plate, getting up and placing both in the sink before heading upstairs to get my things before I met with Louis.

Just as I got halfway up the stairs, however, a sharp pain ran through my chest. It spread from my heart to the very tips of my fingers, forcing me to stop moving as I struggled to breathe. It felt like fire burning me from the inside, and I had to grip the handrail on the side as I almost fell. My eyes scrunched closed as the pain spread, but just as soon as it started, it stopped.

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