xxxiii. Confrontation

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If there's anything I am, it's stubborn. Louis knows this, all my friends know it, and most importantly there's one person who knew this from the many times he held me as a baby in his arms to get me to drink from my bottle when I would stay up at night and cry.

Dad used to always joke my stubbornness came from Mom, but he had many times expressed his gratitude when he realized I hadn't inherited her temper. Maybe that would change today.

Louis had to help me get out of bed and head downstairs for breakfast again, still not saying anything when a bowl of cereal was placed in front of me with the colorful pills. I sighed as I thought about how much things had gone downhill since Louis tried to heal me.

For some unknown reason I was still sick, Louis wasn't talking to me as much, and Dad was acting strange as well. This was certainly not how I expecting things to go in the days after I was supposed to be healed.

Louis may not have known, but all this ridiculous punishment was causing a fire in my chest that was aching to be released and burn everything in its wake. I was silently harboring a wildfire inside of myself, and in minutes I would unleash its fury.

Dad had come out of his bedroom in his pajama pants and a t-shirt, apparently not heading to work today. He had strolled into the living room and turned the television on to a news channel, setting the remote on the coffee table before coming into the kitchen. Dad's shoulder roughly collided with Louis' as he pushed past him to make himself a cup of coffee, only making the burning inferno grow inside of me. He had no right to treat Louis like this.

"How are you feeling, Mira?" He asked as he opened the fridge for some half-and-half for his coffee.

"Fine." I gritted out, my spoon aimlessly swirling about in my now soggy Frosted Flakes. I released the spoon and clenched my hands into fists as Dad uttered a harsh order for Louis to move out of his way. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw the container of half-and-half start to shake.

"Good." Dad had muttered before he sat in front of the TV, eyes intently focused on the story about elevated crime levels in the Seattle area.

The flames still grew hotter and stronger, and I had to bite my lip as I noticed some picture frames on the kitchen counter begin to quake as well. I knew Louis had seen too, since I felt his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me. He didn't dare to speak in fear of what my father would do, but I felt his hands squeeze my shoulders as a message to me.

Calm down.

I didn't want to. If Louis wouldn't stand up to my father, then I would.

I tested my limbs to see if they would hold my weight, a huff escaping me when I felt my shaky legs almost collapse under me. Louis had frantically pulled me back into my chair, his head shaking no to me. I rolled my eyes. If I couldn't go over to Dad, just talking from where I was was the next best thing.

So with a deep breath, I let the flames loose to burn.

"Since when has my boyfriend become my nurse?" I asked, Dad's back still facing me as he still watched the news. I couldn't see his reaction, and it disappointed me.

"Since when has my daughter known her boyfriend had powers?" He responded, making my anger only grow.

"Since when has my father kept his own powers hidden from me?" I spat back, Louis starting to look very uncomfortable. I had never argued with my dad like this before, usually one of us would just give the other the silent treatment like immature teenage couples.

Dad never answered my question, preferring the silence. I opened my mouth to say something else, but my father turned around, spotting the shaking picture frames and sighing.

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