xlv. Stakes

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Sunlight from the bedroom window woke me up the next morning, my eyes blinking many times before adjusting to the light in my eyes. I groaned and shimmied myself down further into the blankets, but it was no use. It was one of those mornings where once I was awake, I was completely awake with no hope of going back to sleep.

Louis was asleep next to me, with the cutest bed head and the softest of snores leaving his parted lips. The alcohol had left him a stumbling mess the evening prior, though I had successfully sobered him up a bit with plenty of water before we left the bar.

I carefully maneuvered my way out of bed to where I wouldn't wake my sleeping boyfriend, pressing a kiss to his forehead as I tiptoed my way into the kitchen for breakfast.

I hummed to myself as I looked around the fridge and pantry for something to make for breakfast, finding a box of pancake mix that must have been forgotten about. I wasn't necessarily the best cook, but I could make pancakes.

I had used my telekinesis to get out the ingredients I would need, smiling at my luck when I found Louis had everything needed. I started on making my pancakes, deciding to try and make shapes out of the pancake batter when I put them on a skillet I found in one of Louis' kitchen cabinets. Unfortunately, my heart ended up looking like a weird blob, so I just stuck with making circles.

After several pancakes had been cooked and set on a plate to the side, I heard a yawn and the soft padding of feet into the kitchen. I turned to see Louis sleepily walking towards me, taking the time to kiss my cheek and wish me good morning before he scoured the kitchen cabinets for something. A small container of ibuprofen was pulled out, Louis taking out two pills and popping them in his mouth before pouring himself a glass of the milk that was still on the counter and swallowing them.

"Don't feel well?" I asked, Louis shaking his head before slowly sitting down at the table.

"My head is killing me." He complained, his voice softer than usual as he held his head in his hands.

"Maybe you should just stay home and rest then." I suggested, getting a plate of pancakes ready for him. My mind moved the milk carton and Louis' silverware over to him when my hands were full, Louis leaning up for a kiss when I set the plate in front of him.

"Thank you, Butterfly." He said before he started eating. "But I don't think I can take a sick day now."

"Why not?" I turned the stove top off and got my own plate ready, grabbing some syrup and butter and sitting down next to Louis. He must have really not been feeling alright, he was picking at his food and rubbing at his forehead.

"Minerva wants to plan a defense strategy for the Rift against Nox now that you're here." Louis mumbled, wincing every now and then. It was times like these where I really wished I was a healer. Forget invisibility, I wanted to make Louis feel better.

"Does she need you there? I don't want you straining yourself." I told him, Louis not saying anything as he are a bite of his pancakes. "I'm sure I can fill in for you. I promise I'll come home and show you everything that happened."

Louis debated my offer a bit before another round of pain in his head made him close his eyes and sigh.

"You'll show me everything?"

"Absolutely everything."

Louis had finally agreed to let me go on my own to the Sanctuary, telling me to be safe and come home soon as I helped him back in bed and moved a water bottle and the bottle of ibuprofen to the nightstand. I had gotten dressed and ready to go out, walking back over to my bedridden boyfriend.

A kiss to Louis' aching head was my goodbye, Lou promising to get some rest while I was gone.

I managed to find my way to the Sanctuary easily, thanking the telebus driver and tipping him a few dollars Louis had given me before I left.

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