xv. Butterfly

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I had woken up before Louis, indulging in the sight of his peaceful sleeping form next to me for a few moments before I carefully maneuvered my way from under the covers without waking Louis.

One of the conditions of letting me go camping was that I still had to take my pills once I woke up, Dad even going so far to pack all three capsules in a tiny container in my bag. I grabbed a bottle of water from a bag of Louis', swallowing the pills one by one until there was one left.

"I want some candy." Louis mumbled sleepily next to me, his pretty eyes barely staying open as stared at the last pill in my hand.

He was shirtless and his hair was completely untamed, sticking up in some places and matted down in others. He yawned as I took my last pill, Louis pouting as he realized he wasn't getting any "candy".

"I would rather not see what my pills do to someone perfectly healthy like you." I told Louis, watching as he shrugged and pulled the warm blankets back for me. After closing the water bottle and setting it to the side, I happily crawled back under the covers with Louis, giggling as he wrapped his arms around me and nipped at the skin on my neck.

"I'm a vampire, fear me." He joked as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, making me laugh.

"Stop laughing, let me suck your blood." Louis continued his vampire charade, his hands lifting my shirt a little so his fingers could tickle my sides. I couldn't help the squeals and loud laughter from escaping me as I begged Louis to stop.

He eventually did, pulling my breathless self on top of him so my head rested on his chest. I felt the beat of his heart against my cheek, strong and steady and so different from mine. Almost as if he could read my mind, Louis took my cold hand in his and pressed it flat to the hard muscle of his chest by my head, his heartbeat seeming to get faster in pace at my touch.

"My heart can't do that. We should trade." I joked weakly, Louis seeming to take no humor in my poor health. His hand rested on top of mine on his chest, his fingers lightly squeezing mine as his eyes stared into my soul.

"If we could, I would." He told me, my head shaking no.

"You don't want this life." I mumbled. "Getting breathless from walking through the forest, always having cold hands and feet, not knowing what the next day holds." I sighed and felt my bottom lip tremble. I bit it quickly to hold back the tears I knew would form, my eyes closing tight.

"I would take it if it meant you could finally live. Live crazily and like there is no tomorrow, and then wake up and do it all over again for the rest of your life." Louis whispered, making me open my eyes and look up to him.

"Y-you...you would do that?" I asked, completely shocked when Louis nodded.

"In a heartbeat." He said before kissing the top of my head, holding me close and draping the blankets over us so I could be warmer as he held me.

I wasn't too sure how long we had just laid together, but eventually Louis urged me to get up and start packing my stuff. He claimed he still had lessons to get to in the Rift, and his already impatient teacher would kill him if he was late.

Once again, it was Louis' duty to take the tent down and mine to pack the bags and get everything else together. Louis grumbled the entire time about how he wished he was telekinetic so the entire process would go by faster, which made me ask why he hadn't learned it yet if he so easily learned other talents.

"It's a talent you need to be born with. Lots of mental talents require you to be born with them, like telekinetics. Personally, I think it sucks, but that's just the way it is." Louis explained easily, his face paling immediately after he asked me what time it was.

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