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Yeeeee I'm finally done with school!! Next step international but i still gotta read 5 books in 2 months T^T
P.O.V Cho

I woke up to the chirps of the birds.
It was melodic but i really wanted to sleep a bit more.
I opened my eyes and saw Shimo, holding tightly to the blanket with haise inside, it looked like he didn't sleep for ages.

I got up and grabbed the baby who smiled at me and tried to grab strings of my white hair

I felt an odd weight on my shoulder and strong arms wrap my around my waist. I looked up to the mirror and saw shimo, finally awake.

"God, you're noisy when you get up" he sighed, stroking Haise's cheek

"Did you sleep here all night? " i asked, turning around and poking his chest playfully

"no you dumbass! Kaneki said that he needed some time alone so he asked me to look after Haise." he told me, seeing the hint of worry in my eyes.

After a moment of Shimo saying how he'd love a baby as cute as Haise, he left to see the others.

And at that moment Haise started to cry, his screams echoing in the tiny room, breaking my ears.

"shhhh shh baby, Mama's here" i lightly rocked Haise as it calmed him a little.

"are you hungry? " the only thing I've eaten with haise was flesh. And alot of it. But to be sure that he wasn't more ghoul than human, i gave him my milk

I walked outside and into the garden.

I sat where the bench was and pulled my top down.

Haise was finally silenced by food and the only things i heard was nature and the cute little suckles Haise was making.

I sighed and placed my head back, relaxing and waiting for haise to finish.

"i see mommy's finally awake" i heard Konny and instantly opened my eyes

"Good morning, how was their trip? " i smiled, showing her the seat next to me
I realised i forgot to even ask Shimo but i guess they talked about it all night while i was asleep.

She sat down and wrapped her arm around my shoulders

"nothing special, you would of been bored but I'm glad you didn't come with them" Konny played with Haise's tiny foot, poking it so that he'd pull it back

"what a cutie, he looks alot like kaneki" she chuckled and stopped playing with haise

"where is he by the way? " i asked her, curiosity taking me

"i haven't seen him since last night-- oh! Any you!! " she suddenly flicked my forehead what caused a short pain
"You stubborn bitch! When someone tells you to Push or Breath, YOU. DO. IT."

I remember the struggle i had with haise, i couldn't get him out! But with all the efforts he was born.

I looked down at him, he's adorable...

But before i could continue to chat, an explosion in the northern area of this mansion exploded .

Konny and i stood up. Mostly shocked by the sudden hit

I turned towards Konny and gave haise

"Go get Hinami, Shimo and Ken and wait for me. We'll go to Antieku"

She tried to deny my order but examined my face and suddenly noded before leaving everything up to me.

I ran towards the smokey building and stopped when i saw familiar white hair.

"Ke--" i stopped, realising that it wasn't him but an old man who had his hair in a ponytail, his glasses made him look like one of those smartass in Ken's murder books but he did not have a clean and well kept suit but instead a dirty rag with Fire on the tips, l
Probably after the explosion occurred.

I blinked twice as he somehow reminded me of someone. And i don't mean Ken.

"Flesh... Food... " a creepy dry voice came from behind. My heart responded with faster beating but not in a way someone would scare me but in a way love would affect me.

Suddenly white streaks of hair burrow my vision
This time it was him
"Ken" my heart skips a beat but my joy suddenly change when i realise what's wrong with this picture

He let's out a dark cackle as he holds his head, the differently styled kagunes swift about as i was dangerously close to them

"kakujou.. ." i mumble as i try to figure out when he turned to eating ghouls.

Before i could of ponderd more about this new fact, one of the kagunes hit me, sending me in a wall

"F-fuck" my body falls to the ground, still reacting to the sudden shock. My kagune was the first thing to react, it was clearly waiting for me to fight, but was it a good idea? I didn't want to just go in this deadly fight... But i don't want to be useless, nor a coward.

I try to get up, leaning on the wall i just got smashed in but sonething was wrong.. My body suddenly collapsed, my kagune whent crazy and started clawing everything it found, somehow it tried to reach the strange man. I couldn't control that part of my body anymore and it scared me.

My vision started to blurr but i still tried to fight it and get up. Nope, i can't do anything. I took one last glance at Ken and the man, Ken seemed to win but only by a streak. How long would it last?

I had no more strength and i just gave up and full into a deep sleep.

Ok so this waa short but at least it's done. The next one will come soon (like today) so don't worry.

Thanks for the love and support when i was on haitus. I stopped feeling creative in my writing and drawing but You guys inspired me to continue :)

Thank you! See ya soon !!

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