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As Cho was cleaning up she heard a loud knock on the door.

She whent to the door and opened it, she saw Kaneki crying with Hinami in his arms, asleep.

"W-What happened?" Cho's fragile voice showed pure worry. She brought both of the wet ghouls inside as she rushed about to bring dry towels and clothes then bringing the child to bed.

After 30 minutes of Cho rushing to get things and warming the half ghoul, she finally stopped as she gave kaneki a hit cup of coffee.

"So, what happened. Where's Ryouko-san?" Cho asked as she couldn't help but twirl her thumbs showing her anxiety.

It took a while for the white eyepached ghoul to tell the black one what exactly happened this afternoon.

Really, how could you tell someone that a child's mother died in the grips of the CCG and they didn't even try to event it?

When the bookworm finally told the story, the white haired couldn't believe she let that happen.

She stood up, face looking down, as her bangs hid her eyes. tears fell on the table and in the coffee cup, kaneki looked at her and got up too as he felt the urge to hug the crying mess. But sadly for him he got interrupted by Kaya.

When Kaneki explained to the waitress what happened kaya told them to wait in the salon as she ran to see yoshimura and the other waiters for a meeting.

As she left, kaneki whent to hug the sobbing girl as she didn't hesitate to hug the black haired back tightly. Kaneki stroked the white hair as he whispered "it would be a better idea to go in the salon"

As kaneki sat down Cho sat on his lap as she cried on his chest, As everyone chatted about the recent news.

P.O.V Cho:

After I finally calmed down, kaneki-kun whent to go see Uta as I decided to tag along, I havent seen him in a while.

Kaneki held my hand all the way over to the mask shop, after I cry I kinda act like a child who needs love and affection.

As we whent down to the stairs to the shop, the door slammed open showing a man with black hair and tattoos all over his body

"Princess!" Uta yelled, I ran into his arms as he twirled me around before finally been put down.

"You've grown up beautifully princess! Ah, kaneki-kun! Here for your mask?"

Uta manipulated kaneki's mask as he asked me a bunch of questions, typical Uta...

We finally set off as I took kaneki's hand this time around, we chatted about mostly everything., trying to ignore the drama around us. But sadly, it got worse...

"Cho, kaneki! "

Touka ran are way thenvended up panting infront of us.

"What happened Touka-Ko (←infant) ?" I asked her as she cut straight to the chase

"Hinami ... dissappeared" touka looked at us sadly.

We went all through town, trying to find the precious ghoul.

I ended up trying to find Hinami with Touka by my side.we searched high and low. But then, a high pitched scream echoed thtought the park.

Me and Touka looked at each other before we ran as fast as we could to the sound of her voice.

"That agility, it's rabit-"

I looked back to the man's voice and saw Kaneki crouched infront of the ghoul investigator.

I ignored the soon-to-be fight and ran to the noise with Touka by my side.

After we where under the bridge I walked to the young girl, leaving touka behind.

I stood infront of the preteen as she held a bag to her chest.

"Hinami, what's that? " I asked in a motherly voice as it came out automatically.

"It's ... mom ..." she whispered between light sobs.

I was shocked and didn't know what to do in a situation like this. Touka finally was here as I bent down to Hinami's height.

"Let's go Hinami! It's dangerous here." I protested but got neglected with a loud "NO!" From her in response.

"Why are ghouls treated this way? Why can't they be like you?" Hinami cried into the bag.

I collapsed and hugged her tightly.

"I miss ... mom" her sobs became louder but in the rain, I heard someone coming.

And my instincts told me it wasn't kaneki.

"As you're wound healed yet, rabbit."

Touka's expression was pure anger, she turned to the man as he started talking again.

"Do you like the present I left?" He giggled as I got up and placed my hand on touka's shoulder.

"Let me take care of him while you keep Hinami safe..."

I stepped closer to him as I let my kagune out as my left eye changed to it's kakugan form.

"My, my what a beautiful kagune! You look powerful but yet not fully exposed. Why don't you show me the rest. I know you dont have four killing machines..."

He was right. I had more than four but I don't like using more but now this guy made me pissed so I will do anything to erase him.

"I don't need anymore to kill you. You're too weak to satisfy all of my 'killing machines' " my knuckles cracked as my four tendrils pointed at the man with a case

"What a shame. But if you don't want to be fully exposed while you're alive then I'll just have to make you my new toy then!"

I started attacking the wan as he looked pretty strong for a human. He took his quince out as it was Hinami's Father. that got me off guard and he projected me into a wall as I whimpered in pain.

He scooped me up and started crushing me

Touka tried to stop him but she had the same fate as me.

"STOP IT! First mommy and daddy and now my big sisters. You're the monster. Leave us alone!" Hinami had let her kagune out what seemed like a mix of her parents.

She made him suffer but after that she let him go.

"Kill him Hinami! He's the one who killed your parents! " touka yelled as we was free from the quince.

"No I'm not like them. I'm good. Right oneesan?"

Hinami ran towards me and hugged me "Youre the kindest little angel I've met. Hinami" I stroked her messy short hair as I saw Kaneki and yomo coming towards us.

"Are you guys okay?" Touka asks as I put sleepy hinami on my back.

"Yes where fine. Cho .... I need to talk to you when we arrive to antieku." He told me as we all walked back.

What does he want to know?

Hi guys! Sorry for the late chapter. And for it's shortness... it will be original in the next one :)

I've saw 40 reads on chapter 1 and I'm so glat your liking it. You've havent seen the best of it.

Trust me! d(ò///ó)b I'll make you proud!

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