🌈Appa stay?

510 22 2

Caregiver: Namjoon & Seokjin

Little: Yoon (4) & Hobi (2)


"Hobi, give me the remote please" Yoon asked from the other side of the couch. With his eyes still glued to the screen, the younger handed him the remote. "Thanks" Yoon chirped, slapping cheekily Hobi's arm. "Hey, that wasn't nice!" The other exclaimed. He really wasn't in the mood to play around, not when he was trying so hard not to slip into little space. "Sorry crabby baby." Yoon laughed, ruffling his hair.

 Hobi shimmied away from the gesture that was making it even harder for him not to slip and he couldn't with only Yoon there. To be honest, it had been a bit dumb of his caregiver to leave him and Yoon alone at home, but he insisted he wouldn't slip so they shouldn't worry about them. So now he couldn't make the other little take care of him. Jimin may have had an older headspace but he still slipped easily as a 4 years old.

Yoon started lazily switching through channels, almost getting a heart attack when he heard the shriek coming from the younger, "PAW PATROL! Hyung, let's watch this please, please Yoonie?"
Oh god. Jimin couldn't let Hobi watch Paw Patrol because he would surely slip. And if he slipped, he would slip himself. And then there would be no person in charge since they were alone and that was a recipe for a disaster. "Hobi... you know we can't" Yoon tried to reason, but he was soon met with two big teary eyes. "What's wrong, Hobi?" "Hobi wants Paw Patrol" he mumbled, letting a tear down just for good measure.

In Hobi's defense, he had been trying all day not to slip so at least you could say he tried, right? And it's not his fault if his favorite cartoon came on tv. Being in a small headspace, around 2 years old, he was very clingy and a bit of a crybaby honestly. Not to mention, this was the first time he had slipped without any of his caregivers ready to pamper him. So yeah, he was allowed to cry thank you very much.

In the mean time, Yoon was staring worriedly at his friend, his own eyes getting wide and teary. "Hobi no cry please..." he mumbled, his lower lip quivering. He couldn't slip, he was his hyung! He was supposed to take care of him while the others were out. Thankfully, before fully slipping into his little space, Yoon managed to grab his phone and call Namjoon. "Yoonie? Is everything okay?" His caregiver voice was calm and soothing as always and made him feel instantly a little bit better. "Appa..." he mumbled quietly into the phone. You see, while Hobi was a loud and whiny spoiled brat when in headspace, Yoonie was the sweetest and most innocent baby, very shy even with his caregivers and always mumbling quietly. So his tone really wasn't a surprise to Namjoon, and for a second he mentally cooed. But then he remembered: why the hell was Yoon in little space? The two littles were at home alone!

"Yoon" the caregiver asked, trying not to use any pet names that would only make the situation worse, "What's wrong?" He ask slowly. "Hobi s-slipped and Yoonie s-slipped, too" he answered in a petulant tone, "Sorry appa". "It's okay baby can you stay on the phone for me. I will be there in 10 minutes." he say . "O-okay Appa." Upon hearing his baby's distressed and teary voice, Namjoon grabbed all of his things and left the studio in a hurry.

He was the only one done with the photo shoot anyway, and he couldn't possibly leave the two babies alone at home without supervision. He quickly sent a message to the others while driving home (ik he can't drive just imagine for this story sakes), then hurrying up to open the front door.

The scene he met was heartbreaking, Hobi was sitting in Yoon's lap, crying into his chest and clutching his hyung's shirt. Yoon was crying, too, but quietly so that Hobi wouldn't notice. Namjon really wanted to coo, because he knew his baby was crying just because Hobi was upset and if that's not the cutest thing on earth, he doesn't know what is.

Nonetheless he hurried over the two little, though careful not to startle them.
"Yoon,Hobi , it's appa. It's okay, I'm here" he comforted them. Hobi looked up at him with wide eyes, his cheeks wet with tears and his lips in a pout. He made grabby hands to be picked up, sniffling a bit. He indeed needed lots of cuddles in this state. Namjoon picked him up, noticing the big pout Yoon was giving him. "Appa..." Yoon whined sadly, not liking his appa pampering Hobi. 

"Yoonie, baby, I'm very proud of you" Namjoon cooed, lightly bouncing a still crying Hobi in his arms, "You took a good care of Hobi like a good boy, didn't he?" He asked the youngest, who nodded shyly. "I'm just going upstairs to put Hobi to sleep, then I'll come and get you, okay?" Yoon nodded his head while wiping his tears, gladly taking the pacifier Namjoon was handing him and popping it in his mouth for comfort. "that's my baby boy" Namjoon praised, before heading upstairs with a tired Hobi propped on his waist.

"Want eomma" he whined, lazily throwing his arms around his appa's neck. "Your eomma will come home later, blub" he answered while gently laying him down on his bed. He then motioned towards the closet to pick some comfortable clothes for the younger to wear. "Mangie pwease" Hobi exclaimed, pointing to the Mang onesie he always wore in his little space. "Alright, come here then" the Daegu boy mumbled helping Hobi to take off his clothes and get into the onesie. "Hobi is Mangie! Wook! Mangie!" The little giggled happily, warming Namjoon's heart. 

"Yep, you are a cute little Mangie. But now get some sleep before eomma come home" he smiled, putting a blanket over the flustered boy. "But.." the little try to excused. "No buts. Besides, the sooner you fall asleep the sooner eomma will wake you up" Namjoon said, smirking when seeing the younger's eyes lighting up at this. "Pwomise?" He lisped. "Promise" Namjoon whispered, tucking him in and leaving quietly.

He tiptoed lightly back into the sitting room, only to see Yoon half asleep on the couch. The poor little must have really been tired from trying not to slip for so long, not to mention to be the responsible hyung even in his little space. "Baby, let's go to sleep, yeah?" He cooed picking him up gently. "Tired" Yoon simply stated, clutching his appa's shirt in his small hands. "I know, love. You'll be in bed in a second" Namjoon assured kissing his forehead. At that, Yoon felt secure and just let his caregiver manhandle him onto the bed and in his kitten onesie.

Namjoon then quickly texted the others saying they were going to take a nap, then carried a sleepy Yoonie into Hobi's room. They lay in the same bed as the other little, so that Namjoon could take care of both and not leave one of them alone. "Appa stay?" Yoon asked, snuggling his head in his appa's neck. Namjoon answered affirmatively and held his boy close. He also pulled Hobi into a loose hug, the little instinctively cuddling into his side even in his sleep.

So there they lay, Namjoon in the middle of the big bed with Yoon draped over himself and Hobi cuddling sleepily into his side. Well, really Namjoon was awake and absent-mindedly stroking Hobi's hair and holding an arm protectively around Yoon's small waist. The other two were instead sleeping soundly. Or so Namjoon thought.

"'Night appa"
"Goodnight Yoonie. Sweet dreams, squirt."



Here another one for the late one and thanks for 6.5k reads!!

I hope you guys will forgive me 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️



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