💧 Trust

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Thanks for request peachy_yoonseok


3rd person POV

Hoseok is sitting on the sofa watching Joonie favorite movie. Joonie being the only little in the household have gotten all the love from the others, but not Hoseok. Hoseok is a little too but he keep it secret from them not wanting to steel the spotlight from Joonie. "Appa... Mwe wan nummies..." Joonie say to Taehyung. "Okay bear can you wait here?" Joonie nods his head and continue to watch the movie. "Daddy... Cudwle mwe!" Joon jump into Seokjin's lap. The other 'little' is watching Joonie  with his caregiver sadly. 'Why can I be happy like him?' Hoseok ask himself. He stand up and went to his room. Then he walk into his room and lock it. Luckily that he didn't share his room with anyone.

He pull out a box under his bed and take out his paci and put it into his mouth. He change his cloth into his favorite onesies, went to his bed and hug his Mang plushie that's given by Yoongi. Little did Yoongi know that Hobi is a little and gave him the plushie. Hobi went into his headspace immediately after he went into his room. He tried to not to cry but his heart is already hurt. He started to sobbing quietly. He fall asleep after tired of the crying.


"Yoongi I need to tell you something." Hoseok said to Yoongi.

"What is it Hoseok you need to be fast I need to take care of Joonie! Right baby bear?" Yoongi say continue to play Joonie's hair.

"Y-yoongi... I'm a little too." Hoseok say mumbling at the end. But Yoongi get to catch it. 

"You what? You are a little too?" Yoongi said and get a nod in return.

"*sigh* Hoseok please stop being an attention seeker for a minute. I am tired with this behavior." Yoongi said in disappointed tone.

"B-but... I didn't l-lie Yoongi... W-why did you think that I-i am l-lying?" Hoseok say tear rolling down his cheek.

He feel something snatch his hand. "You fuc*ing attention seeker. We can't accept you like this. We didn't need s*ut in this house. We are tired of you." The blur face said.

"W-who are you? N-no you a-are lying. T-they love me. T-they won't l-leave me." Hoseok said feeling like he is being drowned into the water.

"Attention seeker!"

"You just wanted attention! "

"We didn't love you!"

"We didn't need you!"


3rd person POV

Hobi wake up with tears streaming down his face and his heart beat is fast. He curled into a fetus position and continue to cry and trying to forget the bad dream that he have just now. After trying to calm himself he sit up and look into the mirror in his room. "Am I really an attention seeker?" He ask himself and put his hand on his face. Tears reappears in his eyes. He take his phone and go to his music apps and listen to July by Noah Cyrus.

He didn't notice that he  sang the song along.

I've been holding my breath
I've been counting to 10
Over something you said
I've been holding back tears
While you're throwing back beers
I'm alone in my bed

You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same

So tell me to leave
I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Find someone that loves you
Better than I do, darling, I know
'Cause you remind me every day
I'm not enough, but I still stay

Feels like a lifetime
Just tryna get by
While we're dying inside
I've done a lot of things wrong
Loving you being one
But I can't move on

You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same

So tell me to leave
I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Find someone that loves you
Better than I do, darling, I know
'Cause you remind me every day
I'm not enough, but I still stay

If you want me to leave
Then tell me to leave and, baby, I'll go

You remind me every day
I'm not enough, but I still stay

He stopped singing and feel his cheek wet by his tears. After a few minutes spacing out, he heard someone knocked on his door. "Who is it?" He ask. "Its Yoongi." He walk towards his door and unlock it. He let Yoongi come in, he is lucky enough that he dried his tears before he open the door. "What do you want hyung?" Yoongi look at Hoseok and ask "Can I sit?" Hoseok nod his head and take the mang plushie, put it on his lap. "Hoba.. Do you need to tell me anything?" Hoseok shake his head. 'I can't let them know.' "Really? You know you can tell me or anyone anything if its makes you sad." Yoongi said with a worried tone.

"Y-yeah really... There's nothing i need to tell." Yoongi nods his head knowing that Hoseok will not tell him. He ruffles Hoseok's head and smile at him. 'I think i can trust hyung? Nope.. No i won't tell anyone.' He think. "I gotta go.. Jin hyung needs me to take care of Joon. So if you need me just go to the living room 'kay?" Yoongi said closing the door. Hoseok nods his head and hug his plushie. "Do i need tell him? Can I trust him?" He think alone in his room. "I think there's no problem with telling him.. He will trust me.. right?" He think again.

He started to feel hungry and went to the kitchen to get some snacks. He gets somes banana, apple, grapes also berries and cut it into cube. He then go to the living room and see Yoongi, Tae and Joon sitting on the sofa and cuddles while watching Joons favorite cartoons. But he want to watch his cartoon too. So he go to Yoongi and ask "Hyung? Umm can I watch my cartoon?" Yoongi look at him and wanted to nod his head but Tae say "Hobi hyung.. Can't you see Joonie is watching his? You can watch it later, just go and do something that can benefits your time." Tae went back to watch the tv. "Ohh okay then. It's okay hyung Joon can continue watching it. Umm here.. I cut some fruits for Joon." Hoseok give the bowl to his hyung and a small smile before walking back to his room.

Yoongi POV

After Hobi went ti his room I look at Taehyung and say "Why did you say that?" He look at me and give a confused face. "Hyung... He is literally wanted to change the cartoon. He can watch it later right" Tae said huffing after that. "But you don't say it like that. And he want to watch cartoons too, Joon will watch it with no problems." I glared at him and give Joons the fruits Hobi give. I remembered the smile on Hobi just now... That's not his real smile, there is something he is keeping from us.


1215 words

Sooo... I think I will just post it today for you peachy_yoonseok... Thanks for the support.. There is pt 2 for this... And pt3 for sleep is coming but i don't promise it when... Just wait...

Stay healthy and drink water!

Thanks for reading!


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