
41 6 0

Wil P.O.V

There was no one in the corridor. They must've thought it was impossible for a child to escape. No guards, no gates, no nothing. 

When I reached the door at the end, I wondered if I should turn back or just open the door.

Then I accidently slipped and the door flew open. The alarm went off. Almost giving me a heart attack.

My palms and face began to sweat. I scrambled up. 

I was in a huge glass room that was filled with empty rooms. It must be charging time.

"Get him!" someone yelled from above. I looked up and saw that there was a silver balcony circling the top ceiling. 

There was the brown-haired women.

My new keeper.

The loud blaring of the alarm covered everything she said next. 

Then I saw the lab securities. The silver, clone-like figures that didn't have eyes or mouths.

I began to run. Choosing any hall that my feet led me to. 

The sound of metal boots and the alarm ringing at the same time made my heart race with me. I was sure that I would be put into severe punishment if I got caught. 

I kept on running but seemed to be going nowhere. The lab didn't have a way out.

But I didn't stop to catch my breath.

I know I shouldn't have tried to escape. Keeping us locked was just to keep us out of mischief. The lab was a jail itself. 

I was tripped by something and I skidded to a stop on my knee. Blood began to seep into the white hospital clothing I was wearing. 

Cursing, I turn back to see what had tripped me.

I rubbed my eyes to see if I was dreaming.

I saw a small...fluffy...thing. With eyes and mouth. It panted with its toung sticking out. 
I just stared at it.

When it noticed me, It stared back with its round big eyes.

As if recognizing me...

I have never seen this kind of creature before. Then I noticed it had a silver string around its neck. When I squinted, I realized there was a round...coin attatched to the string.

It had two words..

That completely matched my tatoo.

Every detail.

Before I could get up to take a closer look, a cold hand grabbed my arm and blocked my mouth with its hand.

Lab security.

It lifted me to my feet and twisted my arm so brutally I was afraid that it was going to break it.

The women with brown hair glared at me. Looking at me as if I was some thing

"Take care of that." she pointed to the furry creature who was growling furiously.

She turned back to me.
"What a disgrace. And its been just a day since I became your keeper."
she spat at me.

"You will be given no punishment. Just put him back to work. But only water for three days."

I didn't really hear her. How could the furry creature have the same tree symbol as my tatoo?

"Make him forget today." she ordered.

My left arm began to sting. 
The security left the needle in my arm for a moment.

I wasn't going to remember anything that happened today.

Including the furry animal. Or the Lotus. Or Lilith.

I slowly felt my eyes droop as the needle was taken out of my arm.

Needle, sleep, Needle, sleep...

That was what life was.

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