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Wil P.O.V

The woman who came to collect me had honey-gold hair that curled beneath her ears. But the only thing that seemed to catch my attention was the abyss of her amber eyes that seemed to suck me in..

"You must be Gwen!" My keeper called the woman as she approached.

I watched as they shook hands.

"Hello, Wil." She said to me. I was surprised that she had called me by my name. Almost all Sapien called me by my number - #1002.

I gave her a forced smile.

She held out a hand, waiting for me to shake. But before I could reach out, my keeper grabbed me by my ear and pulled me back. I winced in pain.                                                                                               "You'll spoil him..." my keeper warned. "Don't treat him like one of know he's not Sapien."

I thought I saw a flash of anger on the woman's face. But she gave the keeper a slight smile and murmured in agreement.

"I've heard he's a bright child." the woman remarked.

"One of the brightest I suppose... for a clone."

I wasn't very hurt by my keeper's assert since I was used to being treated this way. Only to worry about the mention of my hacking. If it was mentioned, I would probably be given no 'work computer'.

I hacked into the laboratory block system last time. It cost me 6 hours of work, but it was still worth it. A small victory led to further consequences. I was supposed to be locked in the RVR desert for five days but to my great relief, today I was getting reassigned to a new lab. I hope this time, I didn't get assigned to a lab as strict as this one.

This was all because I had aced the IQ test at the Livestock. If only they had told me that the test had something to do with becoming an assistant to laboratories, or a test subject for the well-being of Sapiens, it would have been a whole lot different. But this was better than staying in the Livestock. I hadn't even tried my best in the test but I was one of the 10% who got chosen. Who knew what happened to the other 90% of us...

I sometimes wish my brain would help me out of this damn situation.

The woman looked at her watch. "I forgot to keep track of the time," she muttered. "Let's head back." she tapped her clock. 

"That way." she pointed to a white door. The door that led to a Molecule teleporter.

The room was pitch black when I opened the door.

But as soon as we entered, the room was filled with blinding light. My hand began to dissolve. Before we were sucked in completely, we heard a sudden scream from my former keeper. 
A scream mixed with pain and hatred.

It was especially cold that day.

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