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Wil's P.O.V

The bell rang and students poured out into the hall. A group of giggling girls shoved past, making me stumble.

 I reached for my books which slipped out of my bag. Since it was breaktime I was able to roam around free. Maybe become to know more about the place.


Thirty-minutes of being free. I got lost.

'This school is harder to navigate than spotting a needle in a haystack!'

Muttering, I followed the way around the halls where class numbers were written on bright blue doors. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I doubted for a moment that I received a wrong copy of the schedule.

'It's so suspiciously quiet around here. What's going on?' One thing. I could still hear the faint speaking of a busy teacher and the answer of students. But I couldn't just make out where the sound was coming from. Soon, I found a door that I assumed was the source of the sound.

Not to disturb the lecture going on inside, I cautiously opened one of the doors to the classrooms in the hall. But unlike my thoughts, it was completely empty. I could still hear the indistinct mutter. I could even hear a new whisper, too! I shivered, feeling a cold chill rippling along my spine. Was it possible that this hallway was not used for supernatural reasons?

Just then, something shiny to the left caught my eye. It was a huge magnificent door. Two grand steel pillars decorated each of the sides, while a gleaming glass door stood in the middle. "Woah..." Completely forgetting about the ghosts(well, I thought they were ghosts!), I admired the view loudly. Well this was something different. The door looked like it would open to a completely different world.

Come to think of it, it felt like the faint mutter was coming from inside the door! I pushed my ears against the cold glass. Thump-di-dump. I felt my heart race faster. The sound WAS coming from inside! Curiosity was killing me. Eventually, I couldn't help myself. I pushed open the doors.


The heavy glass doors opened with a boom. Slowly, it revealed another thin sheet of blue. But this time, it didn't seem like glass. Small droplets of water composed the screen, a soft blue glow lighting them up to look like a full hard wall. The doors screeched to a stop and latched behind me. I could hear a small 'click' behind all the noise. Even though the wall was made out of water, I wasn't able to see the other side. The mesmerizing glow made it impossible to see any form of an object or person.

Feeling this impulse, I stuck my hand inside the sheet of water. Water spilled all over my head. The wall of water deformed to reveal a new hallway, but this time with yellow doors. The muttering and whispering was bigger now. Looking around, I spotted a mustard yellow door bigger than the others. At the top, a big wooden sign read 'MUSIC'. The faint whispering was getting bigger every second. I pushed my ears to the door once again.

A wonderful sound filled my ears. I never heard of something like this, ever, maybe in the far, far past. This whispering was a fantastic sensation that slid into my ears and tickled my brain. It was so piercing yet soft, elaborate but boundless at the same time. It was such a brilliant sound that I couldn't stop listening to it. So like that, I kept listening to the sound like a drug-addict with his ears glued onto the door. Until the door came crashing onto my face and a girl stomped out of the room.

I let out a silent scream. No, literally a silent scream because my scream was so high-pitched that you couldn't hear it. It was already the second time I was violently smacked on the face. The girl screamed when she saw me. I could only blink at her in.

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