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Young Wil P.O.V

I practically drank all the food. I had been so hungry for the past three days. 

Nobody really cared about my sudden disappearance. My punishment for no food would have been extended for disappearing like that. But they still gave me food. Maybe because I had finished building my former lab...the lab that had been invaded. Now the shock of the invasion had calmed down a bit. 
Even though many were still whispering about it.

And some were even avoding me since then. 

I had no idea why.

I was given medicine to support my loss of blood. I often fell down because of dizziness or find my arm brused where the needle had been. But it was better than being experimented like the old days.

I stopped eating when someone knocked on the door. It was my new keeper.

"What do you want?"

I spoke in a hostile tone. My keeper smiled and dropped my empty vial in the bin.

"Nothing, dear. I have brought good news."

I blinked. Was there any positive news for me to hear?

"We're moving you to section E."

I frowned. "Where's this section E? I've never heard about it."

My keeper was putting on this strange facial expression like she was suppressing a big laugh. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Finally, she bursted out laughing and held her stomach.

"I mean.." She snorted. "This little boy is being all serious and assuming he's got fired." It wasn't funny at all. I frowned deeper."I don't understand." My keeper pretended to wipe the tears in her eyes. "You'll see. Come follow me." She stood up and exited the room. Well that was rude. I followed her out of the room and into the dark corridor.

When the keeper finally stopped, we were in front of a blue door. The door seemed to glow brightly from the white fluorescent lights within the room. My keeper halted me in front of the door and gripped my shoulders tightly. I winced. Her grip was extremely strong. "Stay here. Don't be loud or run off to somewhere else. Or you'll be punished." She was speaking in a heavy tone in contrast to the light and friendly tone she had shown back in his room. I nodded and waited for the keeper's orders. She checked the paper on her board and ripped it. "Okay, so all you have to do is wait inside the room until a man and a woman in white coats come and speak to you." She handed the piece of paper she ripped from the board. It was a picture of a man and a woman. "Look out for these guys, huh? And don't leave the room whatever you do. Just stay there." She gave me a final pat on the head and left.

I grabbed the wooden handle on the brightly glowing blue door and pushed it open. Suddenly, I could feel someone's hand on my arm. I yelped and turned around. There behind, was a girl who looked about four or five years older than me. I focused my gaze on her. "Who are you?" I noticed that her unruly red hair was unkempt and her eyes unfocused. She stared blankly at me for a minute and grappled my shoulders. I flinched but her grip wasn't as strong as the keeper's.Then she opened her dry lips.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"Where is it!"

The girl must be mad! I tried to pull back from the girl's grip but she held on even stronger to me. She screeched. "Where is it you wretch! I'm going to kill you if you're not going to tell me. I'll pull out your wires and smash you to pieces!" I started to feel a little scared now.

"Where is what? I can't tell you where that thing is you're finding if you don't tell me what it is!"

"You crazy lying bastard! You sure know what I'm talking about! You know where it is, and I want it back!" She kept on insisting I knew what she was talking about. This was ridiculous. "I don't know what you're talking about! And if anyone's crazy here, it's you! So don't go grabbing someone innocent and demand them for something they don't even know about!"

Suddenly, a stinging pain was felt in my arm... It was the girl. She had pushed a shard of glass into the pit of my elbow. The blade had sunk into my flesh where it created a pool of blood. I froze and blinked back the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

The girl didn't seem to expect the dark red liquid dripping from my hand. She took notice of it at once and removed the glass shard from my arm. I let out the breath I was holding and faced the girl. She stared at me and lowered her knife. The blade was shining red. I gulped at the sight of my own blood.

"You should escape when you've got the chance."

I looked up. The girl was looking at me intensely. 

Then her eyes clouded and collapsed. Behind her were the two people I had seen inside the picture my keeper had given me. They pulled out an empty needle from her back neck and cleaned it with an alcohol swab.

"You shouldn't talk with rogues like that." While the man lectured me I watched the woman kick the girl's body out of the corner of my eye. The girl was unmoving and still. I wondered when she would wake up. The woman put her fingers on the girl's wrist and nodded towards the man. What was she doing? The man pulled the girl out of the door's way and we entered the room. 

I looked behind the man and woman and took a long, last look at the girl. I hoped she was fine.

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