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Cameron's P.O.V

Two girls were standing in front of me. The girls looked slightly older than me, and wore disturbingly identical faces. One could only tell them apart by their differentiated uniforms, which were yellow and green. Jimin lay unmoving at their feet.

"Jimin!" I screamed, afraid that she had gotten hurt. But the taller of the two girls blocked Jimin out of my sight. I pushed her away, scrambling to Jimin's side. "Hey!" The girl stumbled and landed in the rubble.

"Jimin. Are you okay? I'm going to get you fixed. Jimin, can you hear me? Jimin!"

I cried and yanked her arm desperately. But Jimin didn't move an inch.

The whole world spun before my eyes. My head felt strangely light. This whole- whole thing was not normal. Two girls with the same faces, Jimin not moving, and a situation without its start and end. I squeezed my spinning eyes shut. This crazy situation was NOT happening. Any time Jimin's eyelids were going to flutter open. And she would grab my hand, pulling us away from the girls as she did with the bullies.

"She's not going to wake up." One of the girls' voices echoed in my ears. What did she mean Jimin wasn't going to wake up? She was going to be fine! I reassured myself. Once we reached the hospital and got her fixed, wherever she was damaged, everything's going to be okay. But what if it didn't?

My cries died away. I could only hear the sound of rocks clattering down a pile of rubble. Slowly, I looked up. A cool wind blew on my face, and the skin where my tears had dried felt cold. The buildings surrounding us had been bombed, leaving debris scattered all over the road. What had happened here? Strangely, I couldn't remember.

"You should leave now. We're not going to report you to the box."

The girl in the green uniform spoke again. The second girl, who was wearing a yellow uniform, laughed an annoying laugh. "You're going to have to thank us a TON. There's nothing worse than getting reported by an unt." Then, she flung something to the green-shirted girl and caught it. It was a gun hanging in her hand.

"Did you-"

I started angrily.

"No. We didn't. She's a clone like us."

The green girl cut me off before I even got to the point.

"Of course she's a robot. I'm a robot too! But that doesn't explain why she's lying there, unmoving!"

Suddenly, the yellow one snapped her fingers. Her facial expression was like the one who's realized something important. She shouted excitedly to the green girl.

"Moth! Oh, she doesn't know!"

"What? Really?."

"Yes! Didn't you hear? She doesn't even know she's a human! " The yellow girl snickered.

"Hey! I asked you what you did with Jimin!" I shouted.

"Guess we should take her to the box then." The green girl said indifferently like it wasn't something to be excited about at all.

"I guess. But isn't this so funny?" The yellow girl giggled to herself again.

What was the box? What does she mean I'm 'human'? These girls were completely ignoring me! Like I wasn't even here in front of them! I was racking my brain for something to shoot back to them when something shined on the two girls' uniforms. It was their names, Moth and Butterfly. What kind of names are that? Absolutely nothing was making sense. 'They don't even have numbers...' I thought. But it wasn't that which mattered now. I had to know what had happened to Jimin!

"Hey you, Moth!" The name felt strange on my tongue. I pulled out a thick metal pole that was stuck between the pile of debris. I pointed it directly between Moth's eyes. "Tell me what you did to her," I pushed the pole even farther. "Or I'll hurt you." I got into my fencing position.

The two girls froze. "Oh please..." They exchanged looks. "DO!!" They both burst out laughing. They were laughing! I chuckled quietly. 'Oh no they DON'T!' These girls had pushed me to the very ends of my limits. I raised my pole and smashed it on Butterfly's head,



Moth was holding up the long part of her gun to keep me from hitting Butterfly's head. She then twisted her gun out and smacked my stick out of my grip. The metal pole fell down with a clash.

"You've gone way too far, kid." Moth hissed. Butterfly loaded her gun.


Everything went black.


I opened my eyes. A dim yellow light attacked my eyes. "Gah!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Cotten drapes were over me. I was in a pink-colored room.

"Ugh...Ouch." I agonized. My left shoulder was throbbing terribly. I kicked the covers draped over me and looked down. My shoulder was swathed with a white bandage. Even with all the bandages layered on my skin, my shoulder looked extremely swollen.

Just then, someone kicked the door open. A woman with honey-blonde hair and grey eyes came panting in. I scrambled to the corner of the bed.

"Who are you?"

"Are you okay? Cameron."

She knows my name! I pushed myself even further into the corner.

She dragged me out by the collar of my gown. I clutched her arm and struggled to worm out of her grip and failed. The harder I resisted the stronger her hold got.

"Wait! Who are you? Where are you taking me?"

The woman didn't answer. 'Are they taking me away because I'm different? Because of my eye color?' Fear crawled up my spine.

"What are you going to do with me? Hey!"

I yelled with all my might but the woman's mouth remained shut. Scared but slightly annoyed, I grabbed her hand holding my gown, and ripped it out. It worked. The woman swung backward and landed on her bottom.

I attempted to flee but as soon as I turned around I could see two guards blocking my way. They lifted me by the collar again and carried me into a white room. I groaned. I hated being clutched by the collar.


The two guards released me and I spattered onto the white tiles. "Ouch! Can't you be more gentle? My body is extremely tender, you know?" I complained to the three people, hoping they would get tired of me and leave me alone. But I knew that wasn't going to happen. Because the short-haired woman went to a spare cabinet in the corner of the room and dragged something out. My mouth cracked open at the sight of a perm wave machinable-like 

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